For several decades, brick fences are considered the most popular and sought-after fencing of country territories and private houses. Constructions made of bricks have fire resistance, increased strength, durability and high resistance to environmental impact and mechanical effects. A huge selection of bricks and the availability of additional materials significantly raise this kind of fences in comparison with the rest. In addition, the brick fence can be made with their own hands, not referring to the help of masters.
The process of building a brick fence is divided into several stages. Each of them is important, and the literacy of the implementation of the necessary actions will affect the final form of the design. Initially, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare. In this course, it is customary to measure the perimeter of the site, to determine the structure of the soil, draw up a drawing of the design itself (to comply with the sequence and calculating the approximate amount of materials).
Next occurs site markup. During the process, ordinary and laser roulettes, cords and stakes are used. According to the contour of the future foundation, pegs are drunk and tightly stretch the cord, in advance marking the location of the intermediate posts, gates and wickets. Given the design of the fence, its thickness and height, you can make the distance between the intermediate columns from 5 to 2.5 meters. Placing a plot, remember that all the angles should be strictly straight.
The view, width and depth of the foundation, as a rule, depend on the planning of the fence, such as bricks and other factors. More often is an ordinary ribbon foundation with a depth of 45-50 cm. With the excavator, the trench is rotated, then manually align the base. On the bottom of the trench, it is customary to lay gravel and sand, pouring them with water. At the next stage, the formwork has been built and put the reinforcement. It is also necessary to make a frame in the height of the future design. The monolithic foundation is poured by one approach, the usual - gradually, withstanding time to gain strength. A week after filling the foundation, the formwork is removed, and the base is treated with the composition for waterproofing.
Next begins directly masonry. Pillars are created by the arrangement of the brick around the pipe, so that it is almost completely closed. Prior to the start of the construction of walls around the entire perimeter, the fence is tensioning the thread that acts on the reference point for each subsequent series. Place the fence is better in the middle of the foundation. During the work, it is necessary to check the vertical levels, and the horizontal thread horizontally. Early 4 rows around the perimeter are paved with a metal wire that fills the entire design. It is also necessary to take into account that the brick in the upper row should go to the junction in the lower.
At the final stage, it remains only to protect the design from moisture and bring it to aesthetic perfection. To solve the first problem, special caps are used on columns, as well as similar to the walls for the walls. In the absence of sufficient financial opportunities, it is possible to make waterproofing with your own hands (using rubberoid and cement mortar with liquid glass). To improve the appearance of the brick fence, we do the seams with the use of a special narrow spatula.
Despite the fact that the construction of the brick fence is a time-consuming and long process, it can still be done by himself. It is only necessary to make measurements at each stage and regularly check for defects (skews, depressions, bulges).