How to make a braided fence

How to make a braided fence

The woven is a hedge, woven from the flexible branches of trees or shrubs. Make such a fence with your own hands is completely simple - anyone will be asked to this task. All that will be required of you - a little time, labor and minimum of materials.

Decorative wicker hedge has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance (elegant structures will become an exquisite decoration of any landscape design);
  • Absolute environmental friendliness (with the construction of the fence, extremely natural materials are used);
  • Simplicity of construction (to protect the estate of the woven can be independently, without the help of specialists);
  • Efficiency (during the construction of such a fence, as a rule, technicians are used).


Before embarking on the construction of a wicker hedge, it is necessary to decide on the structure height. Low the fences (0.7-0.8 m) are most often used as decor or for the framing of the palication and tracks. Higher plentores (1-1.3 m) are used for the internal zoning of the territory - such a fence can, for example, separate the garden from the recreation area. High fences (1.5-2 m) are most often mounted throughout the perimeter of the site as a full-fledged external fence.


Traditionally, a durable and flexible vine of willow, hazel, willow, birch, cherries or apple trees is used to build a wicker fence. Pletout fence from pre-harvested branches. Long (at least 50 cm) and even shoots of 2-3 cm thick are cut off with a sharp knife or a secitator (rods are best harvested late autumn or early spring). The freshly cut branches are thoroughly dried in a well-ventilated room and bind into small beams.


Before breeding, the harvested vine should be soaked in water for several days. After such an uncomplicated procedure, the branches are restored by the microcirculation of juice, they become more flexible, elastic and compatible. If the branches are painted, then after soaking, they need to be cleaned from the cortex using a tape.

Rural fence

Before direct staining, purified bars are treated with antiseptic for wood. After that, the workpiece can be laid or give them a beautiful shade with the help of a simulatory, a solution of manganese or iron mood. You can vine with hydrogen peroxide. It looks very impressive as an ensemble of branches of various colors.

Typically, wooden stakes are used as a frame support for wicker hedges, but it is much more practical to use metal rods, because even an antiseptic tree treated with time is amenable to rotting processes. If you wish, the support racks can be painted in the tone of the vine. When marking the territory, observe the following rule - the smaller the height of the shoulder, the more the interval should be between the stakes. Practice shows that the optimal distance between the supports is 40-50 cm. Such a step is convenient for weaving both supple subtle rods and rigid branches. The depth of the trench for support should be at least half a meter.

Plug decor

The most effectively looks horizontal weaving. Braid always start from the ground, gradually climbing to the top of the fence. Cook the loses of the supporting stakes by wave-like movements, with each subsequent twist must be a continuation of the previous one. When weaving, hedge consider that the rods are sneaking over time and significantly decrease in volume (by about 20-25%). To avoid the formation of unplanned lumen, periodically condense the weaving with a joiner's hammer. Remember that the lower row of the shoulder should not touch the ground.

During weaving, try the ends of the rods located with the invalid (internal) side of the fence. In order for the fence over time, the branches of the branches will fasten with a thin wire, sticking out the "tails" gently cut down the sektor or garden scissors (the ends of the rod in the first and last row are better not to trim).

When weaning, fantasize and experiment. Easy negligence in the design of wicker hedge is rather an advantage, not a flaw.

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