How to make a sleeper for cucumbers

How to make a sleeper for cucumbers

Cucumber is a wild plant. This liana needs a support to mitten on it and strive for light. Cucumbers in nature are wrapped around trees and grow in this way. At home, these functions take the sun. Let's find out how to make a cucumber celever for the garden.

Trellier is a design that is designed to maintain plants in a vertical position, including cucumbers. As a rule, it consists of a support or stand (wooden or metal pillar, frame) and a strained wire (you can use the harness), which allows you to be accused by plants.

Such installation is suitable for growing cucumbers in greenhouses and in open ground and has a lot of advantages:

  • Grokes with cucumbers growing on a church, takes at all a lot of space on the plot.
  • Stems are not bend without breaking at the same time, and do not hurt.
  • It is simplified by watering and making fertilizers, as well as processing from pests.
  • Reducing the risk of cultural diseases such as rotting and damage to mildew.
  • When growing, the fetus fetus is excluded in the ground.
  • Thanks to the vertical growing, the vegetable gets more light, so ripens faster.
  • Excluded the cultivation of cucumbers, since all the fruits are in sight.
  • The amount of crop increases.
  • Harvesting is simplified and takes less time, because there is no need to reverse, given that the plant's stem can reach 3 meters.
  • In addition, when tearing off vegetables, the skin of the hands is injured less protective barns, which is present on the stem.
  • It is possible to create a tag not only in the traditional way - on the pillars, but also on the fence, grid, walls, in a word - wherever it turns out to pull the wire.

There are plenty of manufacturers of tapers for cucumbers, consider the most popular:

  1. Prepare 3 posts whose height is at least 1.5 m, to create supports, as well as metal pegs. It will still need a high density rope, if you wish, you can replace it with wire.
  2. We take two columns on the edges of the future bed.
  3. From above, place another one, which is necessary to pay the rope.
  4. Put a peg garden on the sides, it needs to be done with each of the sides.
  5. Break the rope on the peg, starting below.
  6. Tension it to the transverse crossbar. It is necessary to act, turning it around and descending again.
  7. Then wrap the rope around the crawl and turn upwardly.
  8. Act the same way to the end of the cholera.

The glover of this type should be constructed after you planted cucumbers, but before the first germination.

The procedure for making a wooden cholera, which in appearance resembles a staircase, is as follows:

  • Prepare horizontal pillars that have a width of at least 5 cm. In addition, you need vertical crossbars with a width of 4 cm.
  • From wooden rails wide, 3 cm wide, make cells that have a size of approximately 15 cm, but no more to eliminate the wreck around them.
  • Singing the cells in the form of a square or rhombus with the help of self-tapping screws.
  • Attach the lattice based on four bars.
  • For design, use only durable material, such is oak, ash, chestnut, silky. But birch, poplar and maple is not suitable. Also, in no case do not take wet wood.
  • Be sure to handle all the wooden elements using antiseptics or olifes, and the lower part of each post must be covered with a resin or solidol to extend the service life of the tree in the ground.
  • Instead of wooden rails, you can simply pull the durable harness.

Such a sleeper also carries a decorative function.

The economical version of the creation of "cucumber" taks:

  1. The central element of the structure in this case is the used tire. Suitable from a truck or tractor.
  2. Cut from the tire one side and put it on the place of the future bed of cucumbers.
  3. Insert 2 metal rods in the middle of the tire. It is necessary to place them the cross will increase in the form of a convex arc.
  4. Inside the circle you need to pour the soil.
  5. The space that remains above the wheel should be covered. For this, the old bag is perfectly suitable, pre-cut into parts. Its edges are subjected to the edge of the tire.
  6. In the bag, cut the hole, it is better to make a cross-shaped - there you will have to plant the seedlings of cucumbers.
  7. Cover the garden using a polyethylene film that needs to be pressed by stones. So you protect the culture from bad weather and low temperatures. For watering it can be easily lifted as when loosening.
  8. Film and burlap are removed after the growing cucumbers.
  9. Then lend to the center of the column circle, securing the wheel from the bike on it.
  10. Next take the wire or twine. The material must be made from the edges of the wheel to the tire to create peculiar "ribs" for weaving cucumbers.

Thus, what a fever will get for cucumbers - always depends on the fantasy of the garden. In addition, you can simply drive into the land of the post and put the rope from his top, fixing them in the ground.

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