How to plant cucumbers on the balcony

How to plant cucumbers on the balcony

Having own cottages, many citizens manage to grow vegetables on their balcony. If you are pleased with the most useful and fresh products, then this is an article for you. Today we will tell you how to grow cucumbers on the loggia or balcony.

You can only find them if the balcony meets two main requirements: it should be glazed (cucumbers do not tolerate winds and drafts) and go to the east or southeast (cucumbers love light and heat). Growing varieties It is necessary to take the so-called self-polished (parthenokarpic) - they have a F1 marking on the package. Today, special varieties are sold in stores, derived for cultivation in small closed spaces. Their fruits are very compact, and the lianas are not too long. For growing on the loggia or balcony, such cucumbers can be recommended: balcony, urban cucumber, Berendia, Balagan, manul.

In addition to seeds, prepare:

  • A long container measuring 80 x 25 cm with holes for removing water and pallet.
  • Universal soil for growing vegetables.
  • Ceramzite or broken brick for drainage device.

You will also need: any liquid fertilizer for vegetables, a small manual sprayer for flowers, 10 ropes or twine meters.

Schedule the landing of cucumbers at the end of April or the beginning of May - at this time the day becomes longer, and you do not have to shoot further. A week before the landing on the bottom of the container, put drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm. On drainage, pour the prepared soil and turn it well with water. Two days later, the container cover the film - this will allow the earth to warm up harder. On the day of planting in the ground, make small wells, retreating 15 cm from the edge of the drawer and 40 cm from each other. Each well water with water, and when it is absorbed, put 2-3 seed into a wet land. Plush the small layer of the Earth - 1.5-2 cm. Container Close the film and put on the windowsill in the apartment. Provide the temperature in the room within + 24 ... + 26 ° C. If at night it is colder, then turn on the oil heater.

For germination of cucumbers, except heat, need and moisture. Watch that the land in the container does not drive, but not too wet. Watering produce water in room temperature and better from the sprayer so that the seeds of the water of water do not drag into the earth. After the surfaces (4-6 days) appear on the surface, the film over the container is first shut down, and after 2 days, remove it at all. After a week, pull out or cut the weak shoots with small scissors, leaving the most powerful bush on the site of the future. In one standard container, only two plants should grow - this will provide them with all the useful substances in the ground.

Before the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, young cucumber shoots Keep in a warm room. Further start the cucumbers to order - for this, several times a day open the window to the ventilation. At the same time, begin the seedlings to feed the complex fertilizer with a solution for vegetables - do it once a week and for each shoot of 50-70 ml. In phase 5-7, fertilizer leaves are required more - 250 ml, but also once a week. Between the feeders, do not forget to water shoots and ordinary water.

On a glazed balcony or loggia, cucumbers can be transferred when night freezes will completely stop. By this time, the plants will already begin to stretch and fall under their own weight. It's time to arrange a design for their weaving. To do this, almost under the tight of the balcony or loggia, stretch the lurps, and tie the pieces of twine to it. Their length should be as follows to the container with plants and the reserve cm 30 for tied with supports. At a distance of 10 cm from the kestic insert a metal bracket into the ground or any other suitable long object. Tie to the bracket hanging the end of the twine from the clothes rope. The mustache, which will begin to appear on the Liaans of the cucumbers, will overave, and the cucumbers will begin to grow up.

Care for cucumbers on the balcony is as follows: they must be poured daily, spray with ordinary water and contacted the active sun. It is not necessary to pinch the lianas of balcony cucumbers, unless they grow so much that they have no place to be placed. If the cucumbers have grown by successful, and fruiting continues until August, then in the first days of the month the container will warm any suitable material (burlap or spunbond). In August, night temperatures are already much lower, and the roots of the plants will freeze. If they do not be inspired, then fruiting may stop.

In one standard container you can grow two cucumbers. If they care for them correctly, the fruits are quite enough for a family of three for daily cucumber salad. Want more cucumbers, or you have a very big family, put two or three containers on the balcony.

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