Beet dining room - a popular root root, without which it is easy to do in the kitchen! With the food, not only the roots, but also the tops are used. It is not difficult to grow, but still it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules.
To begin with, choose a landing place. It should be a sunny place, as the beet loves the sun, the earth should be light, fertile, not acidic. Good beet precursors are cucumbers, onions, potatoes, tomato, legume crops. Grokes are leaving, thoroughly exploded, and make fertilizers: nitrogen, potash, compost. We prepare the seeds: To do this, select the largest, wrap them in the fabric and soaked for 1-2 days. For soaking, you can use both ordinary water and solutions of mineral fertilizers.
The grown and collected crop is best stored in the cellar, the coolness and humidity of which the root of the root and its taste is best preserved.