How to plant Topinambur

How to plant Topinambur

Topinambour tubers can be used instead of potatoes. It has a slightly sweet taste, and it does not contain starch. The plant itself is a high perennial, very similar to sunflower. Flowers bloom at the beginning of autumn, and the tubers can be swollen both late fall and the next year in the spring. The reproduction of the Topinambur is mainly vegetative. Seeds are planted only in the south, since in our latitudes he does not have time to form tubers.

In the fall, the land is dripped and compost, phosphoric and potash fertilizers contribute. In the spring, the soil is loose and scattered nitrogen fertilizers.

Large, intact tubers are soaked in a mortar solution for 15 minutes. You can use and dried tubers. Sit in May or in September to get a crop in the spring.

You need to dig up the pits in a depth of 15 cm. The distance between the rows should be 60 cm, between the wells - 50 cm. In each well put on one tuber and fall asleep the earth. The first sprouts appear in 2-3 weeks.

Topinambur is an unpretentious plant. Stems can reach 3 m in height, forming a kind of wall, an elevation. Therefore, it is recommended not to plant about low plants, so as not to shade them.

During the growth of shoots, we need to periodically remove weeds, loosen the land. The first dips is carried out when the Topinambe will reach 20 cm, the second is 50 cm.

Mostly grown and care for Topinamburg as well as for ordinary potatoes. Store tubers in the cellar or in the refrigerator.


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