How to plant asparagus

How to plant asparagus

Think over in advance, in which part of the garden will land asparagus - the plant is heat-loving, it needs good lighting, a very afraid of a cold and a gusty wind. Immediately pardimate with patience - it will be possible to collect a harvest only for 4 years after disembarking into an open ground.

Start from the autumn fertilizer of the soil, where you will grow asparagus. Redorate the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm (on the size of the bayonet shovel). Equally decompose the overwhelmed manure or compost from 5 to 8 kg / sq. m. It is necessary to saturate the soil with minerals. Take the nitroammophos (80-100 g per 1m2) or replace it with a mixture of the following components: 15 g of ammonium sulfate, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulphate. Given the moment that the roots of asparagus do not go deep, but are closer to the surface, focus the main mass of fertilizers in the upper layer of the Earth.

Photo number 1.

Early spring, as soon as the snow came down, take a shovel and pull the prepared plot into the hands. Make a bed with a width of 1 m at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Immediately plan the drainage system.

Photo number 2.

Before boarding, soak asparagus seeds in warm water and leave for a few days. Change the water 3 times a day, but do not forget that it should be warm.

When the seeds sat down a few days, strain the water, take a cotton fabric (or a simple rag), moisturize it and wrap the seeds. After placing in an open plastic bag.

Photo number 4.

After 7-8 days, the seeds are letting sprouts. It's time to put the family into the ground. Squeeze future plants to a depth of about 3 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm. Care for plants - sprinkle the ground, water, fertilize chicken litter and cow. In early August, the right seed will give a few stems. Immediately before the onset of frosts, it is necessary to cut the stems with a special knife, and the surface is to be eliminated with humus or overworked leaves.

Photo number 5.

Asparagus is not only a very valuable product, but also impeccable. Useful properties and excellent tastes will delight you for ten years - Asparagus fruits up to 25 years after the first harvest.


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