Leek did not find such nationwide love in our country as in European cuisine. Once by adding it to the first, second dishes, cold snacks, immediately becomes understandable. Population: pleasant not too sharp taste, light fragrance. It turns out, the leek is completely easy to grow.
To decide for yourself, it is worth it or not to grow leek, it should be noted that this plant is not only delicious, but also useful. Due to the high content of protein, fiber, sugar, vitamins, mineral salts and a small number of essential oils, this product is indispensable in dietary nutrition. It is well kept all winter in a cool place, accumulating ascorbic acid. The leek activates the metabolism, replaces the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body, and the dishes give a special piquant note.
By purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the grade of Luke - distinguish between the early, the middle and late. If the early sort of sorts can be safely sowed in an open soil in early spring to obtain a salad green, then late varieties are perfect for winter storage.
Sale gardeners advise to grow leek seedlings. In mid-March, the seeds need to soak in hot water for half an hour, rinse and wrap in a wet fabric. Thus, the seeds are preparing for landing, the fabric from time to time must be saved, and in a week you can sow dear. It is recommended to suck seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, the optimum air temperature is from 14 to 20 ° C. After 50 days, seedlings are ready for landing on the bed.
Before planting a garden, you need to prepare: to fit the compost, add mineral fertilizers, for example, urea, and switch the ground to a depth of 20 cm. Each plant is recommended before landing to shorten the root and leaves. In the grooves depth 10-12 cm planted seedlings at a distance of 20-25 cm.
It is important to remember that after the landing, it is impossible to water three days, after which we water once every five days, it does not hurt after watering to feed the plants with a cowboy, urea, superphosphate. Such care will help bows-pore grow strong and healthy, gladly gaze with elastic green stems.
You can taste fresh on the fall, its white stem and flat, like garlic, leaves have a pleasant taste and aroma. But it is still better to leave sometimes to winter, a little strengthened its dry straw, sweetheart. In the second year, sometimes it will take even more strength, its juicy stem will delight impressive sizes and excellent taste.
In the second year, sometimes it will bloom beautifully, its pinkish-purple inflorescences are elevated with elevated balls. When the bow is wondering, it is necessary to wait when the seeds mature to sow them the next year. However, these seeds do not lose weight for three years.
Leek does not require tremendous effort in cultivation, but its high nutritional value, a pleasant smell, a slightly ground taste will definitely like everyone who knows a lot about healthy and tasty food.