How to plant a bow

How to plant a bow

There are many types of onions. But it uses most often ones and green, less than onion sometimes. But he is sweeter than an ordinary bow and does not have such a sharp smell. Due to this, it began to apply in cooking. In order not to crowd in the market, grow onion at your garden.

Place for landing onion prepare from autumn, enriching it with fertilizers. 1 m2 will need:

  • potassium chloride - 15-20 g;
  • superphosphate - 30-40 g;
  • manure - 4-5 kg.

Put nitrogen fertilizers:

  • urea - 15-20 g;
  • ammonia Selitra - 20-30

The cultivation of seedlings start in mid-March. Place the seeds in hot water + 40-45 for 20-30 minutes, and then in the cold. After fill with warm water and retain for 2-3 days to germinate. Periodically change the water. When the seeds are sprouting, put in a wet fabric and place in a dark place. Watch that the fabric is always wet. After a week, get and slightly dry.

Prepare drawers with turfs, peat and humus. Compact the soil and pour. Make a groove with a gap of 5 cm. Place the seeds depth 1-1.5 cm. Severe cover with a film and put in a warm, illuminated place.

When the first shoots appear, remove the film and lower the temperature to 15-17 degrees. Hold so one week. After bringing to 17-20 above zero. Compliance with the temperature regime is a pledge of good and healthy seedlings. For all the time of planting seed 2 times, support the soil. Thick areas ride up to 2 cm between them. Before falling into the ground, take a plant on the street for hardening.

From the moment of seeding, seeds must pass 2 months. Squake in the ground in early May. First, shorten leaves and roots on 1/3. Plant roots dip in the Ballet - clay and korovyan take in equal parts. The distance between the saplings is 2 cm, rows - 30 cm, and the depth - 10-13 cm. Carefully follow the weeds, pull out. Keep the soil moist, do not bring to dryness.

So that the leg was long and white, glue seedlings 2-3 times over the entire crop period. After cover the shredded straw, dry manure or grass. Do it when plants are rooted. 2 weeks after disembarking in the ground, the seedlings feed the chicken litter or navigas. Regularly loose land and make a weeding.

At a young age, not only bulbs are used, but also leaves. Collect the first harvest to the table already in August, and for storage - in October. Cut the roots (leave 2 cm) and leaves. The height of the bow should not exceed 25 cm. Place in the basement and sprinkle with wet sand. Store at a temperature of 1-2 degrees. In this form, the bow will fly 6-7 months.

With a lot of snow sediments, sometimes may be overwhelmed in the soil. It transfers the temperature -20 degree frost. In October, lay the stalks higher - prepare to the cold. And early spring assemble a juicy harvest.

When complying with the cultivation technique from one row meter, you can collect 2.5 kg of bows sometimes. Grow and enjoy his unforgettable taste!

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