How to plant a red cabbage

How to plant a red cabbage

Red cabbage has some benefits in front of white. It is more resistant to cold, less susceptible to pests and diseases.

First of all, select a place suitable for planting cabbage. It should be well lit. For a red cabbage, a sublinous and peat soil is suitable. On the site before planting cabbage should not grow: any cabbage, turnip, radishes, radish, rape, trouser, yellow mustard. It is best to plant a cabbage where potatoes, onions, legumes, root crops grew earlier. Cabbage on one site can be grown not more than two years. It is recommended to return to the old cabbage to the cabbage only after 3-4 years.


Thoroughly prepare the landing site in the fall: reap the land into two bayonets in depth, remove all weeds and roots, support the soil at the rate of 2 cup of ash (lime) + 1 of the compost or fresh manure to 1 m², reappoint the area again. The soil do not need to pull again before planting. Cabbage loves compacted ground.

Grow seedlings. The soil for seedlings cannot be taken from the sites where the cabbage was grown. Spend seed disinfection. To do this, warm them for 20-30 minutes. in water at t \u003d 50 ° C. Next, cool 3-5 minutes. in boiled cold water. Import seeds usually do not need to handle. Site three seeds in every pot to depth 1 cm. Thoroughly and cover with glass.

Cabbage seedlings require daily watering. Shoot will appear approximately 4 days. After about 1.5-2 weeks, you will see the first real leaflet. Then spend the breakdown, leaving the pot in a pot one of the strongest plant. In the ground, seedlings are planted after 60 days. By that time there should be 4-6 leaves on it.

Space a red cabbage with an evening on the evening or in cloudy weather. Pre-hardened the wells and pour them with water. Distribute for each hole 60-100 g of ashes. Seedlings deepen in the soil until the first leaf. The perfect distance between the plants in the row is 50 cm, between the rows - 1 m. In the first three days it is recommended to water the cabbage in the morning and in the evening. From the fourth day you can water once a day. When the plants are fixed, water them every other day. In hot weather you irrigate the soil daily, but look so that the water is not stood in the holes. During the cracking of Kochhanov, the cabbage requires particularly careful watering - daily 10-15 liters of water for each plant.

With a responsible approach to growing such a demanding plant, like a red cabbage, you will definitely get a delicious harvest that is suitable for the preparation of garnings and salads, for chairs and marination.

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