How to grow cabbage seedlings

How to grow cabbage seedlings

Often the purchased greenhouse seedlings are painful and weak. Very bad to transfer the transplant and is sick for a long time. Observing several non-good rules, you can grow "hardened" seedlings with a good root system at home.

First of all before planting seeds, we swore. Good are considered a diameter of about 2 mm. Check them for the germination. To do this, take several seeds of each variety and wrap them into a wet fabric (each variety separately). Watch not dry fabric. And after 4-5 days, check the percentage of sprouted seeds.

Now the seeds must be processed: omit for 15-20 minutes in hot (45-50 degrees) water. Then 1 min in cold water. And soaked for the night (12-15 hours) to the nutrient solution. It may be a weak urea solution, nitro-phosophos, or superphosphate.

We prepare the soil: we take in equal parts peat, sand and turf. The land can be treated by Fundazole or any other fungicidal agent. Or at least just shed twice boiling water. On one bucket of an excavation mixture, add 2 tablespoons of ashes and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Seed seeds in the boxes or containers with a height of 3-5 cm. To do this, on the surface of the Earth, we make grooves and lay out 0.5-1 cm seeds at a distance. The depth of grooves - up to 1 cm, the distance between them is 3 cm. From above, we sprinkle the remnants of the harvested ground and tamper slightly.

The seed box is covered with a film or cover the transparent lid if it is a special container. Temperature for seeding - 18-22 degrees. Do not forget to ventive our mini greenhouse every day! If you all fulfilled right, then after 4-5 days the first shoots will appear. As soon as the seed loops appeared, a box with a seedler is transferred to a well-lit place with a temperature not higher than 10 degrees. Otherwise, our seedlings will stretch and will be weak.

14 days after germination, when the first leaflets are formed, the seedlings are peeing into cups or pots, filled with the ground prepared earlier for planting. When diving, the seedlings are plugged to the seedy leaves. The temperature for the growth of seedlings rises to 21 degrees.

When there are 5-6 leaves, the cabbage seedlings are planted into the open ground. When planing, shut up to the first real leaves. Seedling early cabbage is planted into the ground according to the scheme: 45 per 25 cm, late - 35 to 60 cm.

Watering cabbage loves not frequent but abundant. We focus on the drying of the soil. For the prevention and at the first signs of the disease, seedlings are recommended to spray with biological preparations, such as bacotpitis, phytosporin, phytolavin-300.

The whole process of growing seedlings is quite troublesome, but if all rules are met, the result will please you with an excellent harvest.

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