Tobacco - multipurpose plant. In addition to smoking, it is also used to combat pests in the country area. Grow smoking tobacco Specialists recommend exclusively of those varieties that historically grow in your area. Only then, with proper processing, smoking tobacco will be strong, fragrant and with good taste.
In the middle lane of our country, the smoking varieties of tobacco need to plant on the seedlings at the end of winter - early spring. If sowing seeds later, then the crop will be significantly smaller.
Since the tobacco seeds are very small, then they need to suck them superficially. For these purposes, plastic transparent boxes or cups will be suitable. Soil for sowing should be loose and wet. However, it is important to ensure that the soil is not overwhelmed, and the seeds did not suffocate.
In the best way, seeds germinate at a temperature of + 23-28 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the sprouts are delayed. And at 10-15 degrees, the tobacco seeds rot on at all. It is also important that the place with crops is quite illuminated.
Capacity for seedlings You need to fill the soil, align the surface and slightly tamper. Seeds sprinkled on top, seal the surface with a finger, splashes from the sprayer. Seedlings are covered with a plastic transparent lid or polyethylene package. A couple of times a day, the container is disclosed to give seeds and shoot "Raise".
As soon as the first sprouts appear, they need to give as much light as possible. However, they do not rush them to reveal, let it grow and be in a secure wet environment. If you can, you can hold the seedlings under the luminescent lamp a couple of days. Watering young sprouts tobacco need to be moderately using a pulverizer or enema.
In the "Cross" phase (first two real leaves), seedlings can already be started to cut forward and plant in separate containers. If it is not too close in a large tank, it is desirable to enable the sponsors to grasp and start searcharges after the appearance of 4-5 leaves. Replanting seedlings, they need to be removed with the soil lump. This will help minimize damage to the roots.
Tobacco seedlings can be planted in open ground only when all frosts pass, and the surface temperature of the earth will be around 10 degrees of heat. As a rule, this is the end of May. Between the bushes should be a distance from 30 to 50 cm. It is best "feels" tobacco in the lungs, loose soils that contain a moderate amount of lime.
Tobacco need enough potassium. That is why it can not be grown in the soil, where potatoes and beets were growing. The best fertilizer for smoking tobacco is manure and ash. True, you need to be careful with the manure: when the nitrogen is re-published, tobacco will actively grow, but have a weak fragrance.
Tobacco loves water, but it is impossible to allow stagnation of water. It should also be provided with a sufficient amount of sunlight.
Cut tobacco leaflets need periodically. Start cleaning from the lower tier. The first "harvest" is usually ready in 40-45 days after landing into an open ground. "Ready" sheet should have a yellow-green color, he is lyprous to the touch, the journey disappears on it.
To improve the quality of tobacco, it needs to be "thrust" - we have flowers when blooming about half of the available inflorescences. The best blooming tobacco bushes should be left for seeds.
To get a high-quality smoking tobacco, it needs to be properly dried and fermented. Only then can be achieved beautiful taste and fragrant qualities.