How to raise basil seedlings

How to raise basil seedlings

Spicy, fragrant aroma of the southern plant "Basil" fell to taste in many kitchens of the world. It can be raised on the windowsill in the apartment conditions. But the best habitat is a sunny, covered from drafts place on a vegetable garden and light nutrient soil. Grow basil sowing seeds in a ground or a seaside way.

In order to sow seeds to seedlings, it is necessary to prepare containers in which the basil will grow to landing into the ground. You can use special cassettes for growing seedlings. They are sold already with a transparent lid to create a greenhouse effect. You can sow in small pots or long floral boxes. Some gardeners use plastic cups for food.

Special soil for seedlings is sold in all flower shops. But it is better to prepare it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to mix 1 part of the humoring and 2 parts of the peat, because the basil loves nutritious, but at the same time light loose soils.

After the soil is prepared, it is falling asleep into the containers where the basil will grow. It is convenient to do this with the help of a special garden scoop, and you can simply use a tablespoon. Soil moisturized with a spoon slightly seal. To the edge, the pot leaves about 2 cm.

The seedlings of the Basilica does not require a dive, so the seeds are sighable not thick, at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. On 1 m² 6 grams of seeds consume.

From above, the seeds are neatly poured with a layer of wet soil in 1 cm.

If there is no special transparent cover for the container, cover the future seedlings with polyethylene.

Containers are placed on the most illuminated place before shooting.

After 5-7 days, the basil begins to appear. The soil must be maintained all the time. If the humus was high-quality, additional feeding is not required.

Seedlings can be planted at a permanent place in the soil in 30-35 days, when the four first real leaves will appear.

Since Basil came from warm countries, planted it after the last frosts. The soil should warm at a depth of 10 cm to a temperature of at least 18 °, otherwise the growth of the plant will slow down. It is believed that the landing of the basil between the tomato bushes significantly improves their taste.

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