How to grow seedlings celery

How to grow seedlings celery

Celery is three species: sheet, cherry and root. Root celery needs to be sowed in a separate container so that when picking does not damage the roots. The landing is held at the end of February - 70 days before the expected landing on the garden. For sheet and cuff celery, the cultivation method is not so important, it is necessary to sow seeds in 60-65 days before planting plants into the ground.

Celery seeds should be wrapped in small pieces of fabric and for 30 minutes. Put in warm water. At this time, 0.5 ml of epin is dissolved in 200 ml of water. Put into the seed mortar for another 2 hours.

Fill the capacitance prepared by a damp soil consisting of 3 parts of the nonclaimed peat, 1 part of the vermiculite and 1 part of the humus. From above, it is necessary to put a small layer of snow. Seeds lay top on the snow. Because Seed celery has a bad germination, it is necessary to put 8-10 seeds into the cell.

Capacities with seeds cover with a film and put into a warm place where the temperature is not lower than 22-24 ° C. Watching seeds better than 2 times a day and, as soon as germs appear, put the tank closer to the light.

When there are 2 sheets in plants, it is necessary to choose one, the strongest plant, all other remove from each cell. After that, feed the complex fertilizer for seedlings. It is advisable to ensure that the soil is always loose. The second time to finish the plants should be a week before landing on the bed.

If there is little space in the cassettes to the ground to the ground, they can be transplanted in a little more, without deepening to the ground.

In the open soil, celery seedlings are planted 15-25 May. The plants should have 5-6 leaves, well-developed roots and height 12-15 cm.


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