How to grow broccoli cabbage

How to grow broccoli cabbage

In Russia, broccoli cabbage has become popular quite recently. But this vegetable managed to like many connoisseurs of tasty and dietary food. Kochan has a sweet taste and contains many vitamins and trace elements.

To grow this vegetable at home, it is enough to know several secrets. It is best to grow broccoli cabbage from seedlings. To do this, take the boxes with a depth of 50 cm. Place the drainage on the bottom of the tank. It can be stones or crushed stone. Top on drainage pour prepared soil and sink it. Lightly moisten the soil and make recesses. Insert the seeds into the grooves and fall asleep the land, see the landing site. The distance between seeds should be at least 3 cm.

How to grow broccoli cabbage

There is another method of preparing and planting seeds for seedlings. For this, ask for seeds through the sieve, the largest tie in the fabric bag. Lower the seeds in hot water for 15 minutes, and then transfer the bag into the cold nutrient solution. It is necessary to withstand seeds in fertilizers 12 hours. After the time expires to transfer seeds to the refrigerator for 24 hours. Only after that you can start landing.

Best of the broccoli seedlings develop at a temperature of + 17-25 ° C. Do not forget 2-3 times a week by watering culture. After 30-40 days, the sprouts will consist of 5-8 leaves. It is after that you can land cabbage into an open soil. Do not forget to treat the ground with urea solution. Broccoli cabbage is poorly growing in acidic soil, so we treat the piece of fertilizers that increase alkalinity. In order not to dive seedlings, you can land seeds into open ground. But the harvest you will get much later.

The depth of the seedlings landing should be 25 cm, and the distance between the sprouts is 40-50 cm. After landing, it is necessary to regularly feed vegetable culture. The first processing of fertilizers is desirable to produce seedlings on the day of seedlings into open ground. To prepare a nutrient solution, pumped into a bucket with water 5 tablespoons of urea. Water should be 10 liters. This fluid is enough for 10-12 bushes. After 15-20 days, repeat the processing of vegetables. Subsequent feeders are produced every 10 days.

Be sure to handle plants with solutions from pests. If you do not want to use pesticides, you can prepare poisonous decoction from tomato tops. To do this, pour 1 kg of tomato stems 3 l of water and boil for about an hour. When the liquid cools down, strain it and spray cabbage seedlings. Perfectly destroys the slugs of the decoction of bitter pepper. Pour the 3-4 pod of the bitter pepper with water and boil it for 30 minutes. Leave the decoction for a day, and then strain. Pour the liquid into the bucket and dilute with water. Using the sprayer, apply a cabbage solution. Be sure to process in dry weather.

From time to time, water the cabbage bushes with a solution of horse manure. To do this, make 2 kg of manure to the water bucket and stir carefully. To get a good harvest, you can produce soil treatment in the fall. After pumping the soil, enter the lime or food soda into it, it will increase the alkalinity of the soil.

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