How to grow white cabbage

How to grow white cabbage

Belococcal cabbage occupies one of the first places to grow in the country area and food intake. It contains a large number of mineral salts, vitamins and fiber. Cabbage is consumed in a fresh form, and also make blanks.

For growing early grades, cabbage should choose high solar places with light or medium soil. Late cabbage varieties grow well with high humidity of heavy and medium soils. Cabbage can be planted almost after any vegetables, except radish, radishes and other cabbage. To eliminate cabbage disease, this culture must be planted at the same place no earlier than after 4 years.

Seed early cabbage seedlings in mid-February, late - in late March - early April. For landing, it is necessary to prepare a soil consisting of equal parts of the turf and humus mixed with sand or sawdust. Earth fall asleep in drawers or pots, water water, sow seeds at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Capacities must be 2-3 days to be located in a place where the temperature is maintained 12-14 ° C.

For watering shoots, a weak solution of potassium permanganiza is best suited. The soil should not rehabilitate, watering the plants follows the drip method.

After the first real leaf appearance, it is necessary to peer seedlings in the container, with a diameter of about 10 cm with the same soil composition. Maintain a temperature of 18-20 ° C, then reduce to 15-18 ° C. A week before landing seedlings in open ground, put boxes on the balcony for hardening.

Early cabbage needs to be planted at the end of April - early May, late - May 15-25. If the landing is produced in the greenhouse, then 2 weeks earlier. Crying should be prepared in advance. A month before the landing, it is necessary to cut the trenches directed from the north to the south, a depth of 25 cm. The distance between the trenches is 50-60 cm. Dugged earth, without turning, to put between the rows. By 20 cm fill in trenches by organic and treat the "radiance-3" or "Baikal EM-1".

Seedlings should be planted in the evening or in cloudy weather. Make a well at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, the depth corresponding to the height of the container for seedlings. It is good to pour them out, plant plants and fall asleep on top of the earth by 2-3 cm. Earth is to pour again. In order to preserve the soil wet and eliminate the weeding and loosening, the bed must be covered with grass or hay.

In the first days after disembarking, the cabbage must be watered with intervals at 3-4 days at 5-8 liters of cold water per 1 m² of soil. Water only under plants. After 10-12 days, the area of \u200b\u200birrigation increases to the size of the entire bed. During ripening, so that the kocheans are not cracked, watering needs to be reduced. Early cabbage needs abundant irrigation in June, late in August. After the seedlings of seedlings, carry out loosen, then repeat it as needed. To appear additional roots, the early cabbage is to be dipped in 15-20 days, and late - 25 days after disembarkation.

During the cappist season it is necessary to feed 2-3 times, the late varieties are 3-4 times. The first feeder to produce 15-20 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. Mix 0.5 kg of a cowboard with 10 liters of water or 30 g of double superphosphate, 60 g of ammonium sulphate and 200 g of wood ash on 10 liters of water. The second feeder is made 2 weeks after the first. Then alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Crop the harvest must be made selectively when Completely mature, in cool weather. At this time, physiological processes in the cochanis are lowered and during storage they will not be warm.

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