How to grow Clematis

How to grow Clematis

Clematis is a perennial plant that blooms large bootons. Because of the unpretentiousness and opportunities for planting in shady places, he gained widespread. In order to become the owner of Clumbus Clematis, you need to know some tricks. We will consider them in this article.

Clematis are breeding vegetative and seeds. Try to land acquire small sprouts that land in the soil at the beginning of summer or in September. Remember, the plant should grasp the first frosts. It is impossible to engage in the fall in April, because because of possible frosts, the sprout may not come.

How to grow Clematis

Dock a pit of 70 × 70 cm and fill it with a mixture of soil and humus. The soil should be lightweight and soft, so rocky soil can be improved by mixing it with wood sawdust. To disembark, choose a shady space on the elevation. Clematis do not like very wet soil, so it is impossible to produce wells in lowlands and Rips. If the soil is very wet and groundwater are high, then pour a layer of gravel or broken brick on the bottom of the pit.

How to grow Clematis

Try to blow the roots no more than 5-8 cm. After a year, the plant must be transplanted a little deeper. You can not immediately immerse the sprout on a greater depth, since the root system of the plant is very weak. The first 2-3 years cannot be allowed to leave the boutons for flowering. This time is required solely to strengthen the roots. As soon as new shoots appear, they must be deleted.

How to grow Clematis

Regarding watering, the first two years should be abundantly watering the bushes with water 2 times a week. One seedling should leave 2 water buckets. After disembarking, install the supports immediately, as the bush can grow to 2.5 meters. As a support, you can use a plastic mesh on iron supports. All buds should be cut back at the stage of their formation. The bustle cannot be spent excess energy that is necessary for the growth of the root system.

How to grow Clematis

Only on the third year you can leave several branches with buds. Using trimming and picking, you can set the period of flowering plants. Removing strong shoots with thick stems and leaving young and weak branches, you can move the time of blossom from July to August. In this case, the flowering period will be longer. If you cut thin shoots, leaving stronger branches, you can enjoy the flowers in early June. Blossom period will be 1 month.

How to grow Clematis

If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of sprouts, you can sow seeds. Be prepared for the fact that the sprouts will appear next year. Even if you have not seen sprouts, continue to water seed sites. For irrigation, use a weak solution of manganese or boric acid. It is possible to fertilize the plant only after the appearance of sprouts. Use wood ash or cow manure as feeding.

How to grow Clematis

If you already have adult bushes, you can propagate them. For this, the escape of the bush does not need to cut. With the help of metal brackets, the site of the node should be attached to the ground and pumped up a little soil. As new nodes appear, break them into the soil, leaving only a few leafy leaves above the surface. Only the next year you can completely cut off the branch from the maternal bush.

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