How to grow Anguria

How to grow Anguria

Anguria is an annual entry plant with beggars and stems. Length Lian can reach 3 meters, so they grow it on the trellis. The fruit is an oval of a dark green color with a multitude of soft needles. They are very decorative and can be used to decorate the garden plot. The fruits are added to vegetable salads canned. Anguria juice is used to prevent gastric, vascular diseases, wound healing. Care, the cultivation of Anguria is very simple and similar to a conventional cucumber. It is more resistant to freezing and can be fruit up to cold.

In the fall during the rescue of the Earth, compost, superphosphate in the soil. In the spring, again loose and bring nitrogen fertilizer.

In April, the seeds are seeded into cups of several pieces, watered and put in a warm, bright place. Shoots do not dive.

Sunning into the ground is carried out after the earth warming, the optimum temperature is 10 C. The distance between the seedlings of Anguria should be 60 cm.

Anguria is a light-affilome plant, so when transplanting you need to choose the most illuminated places. Water regularly warm water, feed four times per season.

Anguria begins to be fron with July. We eat not overripe, young fruits.


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