Labenaria is called Vietnamese Zabacht, the fruit of a long cylindrical shape, reaching up to 1.4-2 meters. There are also decorative varieties of a more round shape with a narrow throat.
Sigger by generaries by germination of seeds. In order for the seeds to be fucked, they need to be dipped in hot water about 36-40 degrees and to withstand at such a temperature day. Typically, the seeds are kept in the thermos, then they need to be wrapped in a wet piece of fabric and a package of polyethylene, to keep in such a state at 28-30 degrees of heat until they proceed.
The seeds of the lagenarium can be seated immediately into the ground, but provided that the soil will constantly free up to 30-31 degrees. The culture of 12-15 days, the proceeding seeds land in a pot with a good fertilized soil. Seedlings to landing will be ready after 1.5 months. Plant transplant should be made in warm primer, otherwise it will not bloom.
The plant of the Lagenarium grows from 6 to 15 meters, so it requires a lot of space. The distance between the cultures should be 1.5 meters. Before landing in the well, add 4 tablespoons of azophoski and 2 Tea spoons "Unifloormicro" diluted in 10 liters of water, also do not forget about organic fertilizer (in proportions 10: 1 manure, 20: 1 litter). Under each seedlings you need to add 1 liter of feeding.
Lagenarium blooms in the evening with white large flowers that need to be pollinated alone. Under the female flower there is a flour, under male - no. It should be polled by a torn male flower, pre-breaking around the petals, insert a couple of times in the female inflorescence. The seeds leave the first fruits so that they manage to ripen, the seed germination depends on it. Under the fruits need to put the boards.
The lagenarium is similar to the taste with a zucchin, also the plant has an amazing property: different souvenirs make out of it.