How to grow bumia

How to grow bumia

Bamia is a vegetable culture from the hot Africa, the mention of which was met in the 12th century in Egypt. Previously used for technical purposes, today it is popular in the field of cooking. It is often used as an ingredient for salads, soups, hot dishes and even preservation. Despite the fact that the Bamium is quite exotic for the Slavs, it is not so difficult to grow it at home.

Hombo, she is a bummy, like peanuts, prefers outdoor soil in warm latitudes. You can also smallestly grow in the warm regions of Russia and Ukraine.

If you want to put a bumium as a houseplant, pick it up a free pot and a place filled with sunlight. In such conditions, the lowest bumium will feel better.

Singing to open ground is made in spring, to achieve the soil of 15 degrees of heat at a depth of 10 cm. Seeds are placed not lower than 5 cm. Mandatory is considered to comply with schematic parameters: the indentation between the rows is 65-70 cm, and between plants - 30 cm. When the temperature The air reaches the mark in 20s, the seeds begin to germinate and develop.

The cultivation of the battery is more dangerous and less practical. Plants in the future will be weak and less persistent diseases. But if there is no other opportunity, you can use this method. For a start, take care of healthy seedlings. In some peat cups, throw three seeds (in February or March).

For successful geogide, a temperature is needed at least 18-20s. To create a greenhouse effect, a pot with seeds are covered with glass, which is removed immediately after the appearance of the sprout. Now the temperature must be reduced by 5C for several days, and then return to the initial mode.

Make sure that in each glass only one, the most resistant stalk. After 45 days, the Bumia is planted into open ground. It is important to remember that growing and growing plants should be in separate boxes. Otherwise, they will be very hard to take root on the square.

For HOMBO priority to choose the soil on the southern slope. Optimal predecessors - cucumbers, pumpkin, legumes. Even in the autumn period, the soil intended for landing the batter must be carefully overcooked, to get out and focus with phosphoric compositions.

Bummy care does not require tremendous effort. Before the appearance of fruits, the plants are watered only with a long lack of rain. Of course, periodic weeding and dips are needed. Without it in any way. Mineral complexes are used as feeding.

The fertility of the Bummy lasts up to the first frosts. As fruits ripening, it is necessary to collect them (until the color of the barbell has time to change). Otherwise they will not be delicious.

Since the cut-off marks are not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator, it is better to immediately come up with the "delicious" application. Grow, dry, freeze, preserve and enjoy. What is created with your own hands is always tastier and more good than what is purchased from the trading admission.

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