How to grow a shnitt-bow

How to grow a shnitt-bow

Schitt-onion (he is a bow-cutter) - conifers of the famous onion onion. Its gentle and fragrant feathers are not only tasty, but also very useful - the young green greenery of the Schitt-Luke is rightly called a real storehouse of vitamins. Even novice gobble-lovers will be able to grow a shnitt-bow without much difficulty.

To begin with, the seeds of Luca-cutter must be prepared for landing. To do this, they are placed in a suitable container and poured with warm water at least for a day. You can add a special solution to the water for soaking for better germination - root growth stimulant.

During the day, the water change the water several times. Hollow pop-up seeds are unsuitable for landing, so they must be separated. The remaining high-quality seeds are placed on a towel and slightly dried before disembarking.

Ideal for landing Schitt-Luca will be an uneteced plot with a wet drainaged soil. Dry sandy soil poorly holds moisture, so in areas with such soil sowing seeds of Luke-Rezanza is undesirable.

Before planting seeds, it is recommended to prepare a land plot for the cultivation of the Schitt-Luke. The soil must be exploded and destroying the residues of weeds after the predecessor cultures. In addition, the site is desirable to help with a humor, compost or mineral fertilizers. Sour soil for better yields are lime.

The seeds of the Schitt-Luke land in the early spring in the wet soil (this view of the onion refers to moisthed plants) to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm. The distance between the sowing grooves should be about 40-45 cm. After disembarking, the soil is covered with peat or sawdust .

CARE ON LUKOV-REANCE is completely simple. Sowing regularly watered. The first seasons are fed by nitrogen and potash mineral fertilizers (preferably after watering or rain). Also rub the soil of rods, and the first Schitt-Luke sprouts are thinned.

Schitt-bow bushes with time gently separated and searched. The division is best to spend at the end of August. Transplanted plants quickly give new sprouts rather quickly, but you can cut the feathers for eating food from the second year of the life of plants.

Schitt-bow can be grown at home. Late in the fall of the plant bulwes are planted (before the planting it is recommended to trim the tops of the bulbs) in ceramic pots with drainage holes and watered with warm water. Before the appearance of sprouts, the pot stores in a dark place, after - transfer to the windowsill. A little bit of patience - and quite soon on your desk will appear fresh greens. A pot with such a loaf will certainly decorate and refreshes the interior of any kitchen.

By the way, Schitt-bow is not only a delicious and useful spice, but also a universal decorative plant, which is widely used in landscape design.





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