How to grow anger

How to grow anger

The root plant, which at the end of the vegetation is formed a fleshy, stripped root covered with a peel dark brown, almost black, got the name "Black root". It can grow this interesting and healthy vegetable, which is simultaneously used as a good medicine, anyone who is familiar with the cultivation of ordinary carrots. But still this plant has its minor differences in growing.

The rear prefers to give long, smooth and thick root roots on the soils with a deep humus layer or peatlands, since the rooted roots grow with curves and branched roots. You can not grow it after tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cabbage - the plant can be amazed by the same kinds of diseases and pests as its predecessors. It does not carry out this root of the lime of the soil and making the manure during the entire growing season (the feeding is made only by complex fertilizers, after the appearance of germs and at the end of summer). Therefore, the soil for the spring sowing of the rootepod is prepared from autumn: it is drunk to a depth of 40 cm, with composite (bucket of 2 m²), potash fertilizers and materials for soil grasp. Early spring need to reappel the soil, with simultaneous making a humus (up to 3 kg per 1 m²) and urea. After that, the soil is moving and speeds.

Sowing seeds is made in early spring (for the preparation of large root roots in the first year) or in the middle of the summer (formed rooted roots by the end of autumn they will feel well and will give a full-fledged harvest for the next year), pre-for good germination, seeing them in water. Sowing is made only with fresh seeds, as they quickly lose their ability to shoot. Seeds are dried into the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm in the rows, the width between which is 30-40 cm, at a distance of 2-5 cm. After living the seeds of early spring, the ground is covered with a film using wire arcs.

Under all the preliminary and current processes in the cultivation of the booster, shoots appear after 1.5-2 weeks. With the appearance of the first sprouts - they should be proceed, leaving the distance between them in 5-7 cm, and when 2-3 leaves appear - to break until the distance of 10-12 cm.

At first, the plant develops very slowly, so it is necessary to observe the appearance of weeds (which can drown them) - they need to immediately hesitate.

Next, the care of the plants is in abundant irrigation and soil looser between the rows. After reaching the height of 8-10 cm, the soil must be well meditated and regularly watered in several approaches. At the plants that bloomed in the first year, the flowers are removed, as this leads to the formation of coarse root roots.

In the first half of October, Korneflood can already be removed. It is neatly digging in order to maximize the damage to the fetus, cleaned from the ground, remove all the leaves, sort the defective (they are used immediately) from the integers and fold in the container, speaking with wet sand. Store root in a cool place at a temperature of 0-1 ° C. You can leave somewhat the most developed root for seeds.

Schorter is just a discovery for the owners and those who prefer to be treated by folk methods. The use of this root in food improves the metabolism, saturates the body with useful vitamins, microelements and inulin, which is a waste of useful effects on the body. In the fresh form, it is rarely used in food, usually extinguished, boiled or dried. In dried form, it is a wonderful seasoning to first dishes, and in boiled or stew is a useful garnish, to taste like a cauliflower or asparagus.

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