How to grow anise

How to grow anise

Spicy Anis is incredibly useful and in demand both in the kitchen and folk medicine. Its sweet fragrance perfectly complements the taste in cooking, bakery, confectionery production. Also, anise oil is part of a variety of drugs. Therefore, having a nursery or a garden, grow an anise - the right thing. And not difficult.

By purchasing Anis seeds, pay attention to their color, it should be greenish. If the color of the grain of brown or black color, then it will not go.

Anise seeds before planting must be soaked, because dry germinate in the ground, especially cold, very slowly. For this, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-3 days, changing water. For complete swelling anis, 150% of moisture from their own mass must be absorbed. Therefore, the seeds cannot be sent. Anise germinates for a long time and chemless. This is explained by the fact that oilseeds are concentrated around the embryo that the process is inhibited.

Sprouted grains are sent to the fridge for the turret. There should be seeds there about 3 weeks. Thanks to these procedures, the Anis plot will take up for a week.

Check out the seeds need to be in good moistened soil. This should be soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction. The swampy or podzolic soil is not suitable for this plant. The aisle is 40-50 centimeters. The depth of the groove for sowing is 3-4 centimeters. Fall asleep the seeds of the earth, you need to roll the soil for better contact. Please note: Anis is a thermal-loving plant, loves the sun, so it is necessary to plant only on sunny plots.

After a week, rakes need to slightly fence the area diagonally.

Regular and thorough soil moisturizing.

When shootings will release the first 2-3 leaves, rub a slightly soil with robbles, aiser - deeper.

Shoot seats through 10-15 centimeters, at the same time get rid of sowing from possible weeds. If shoots are too thickly sled, the crop seed will not wait.

Anise's greenery can be assembled when the height of the plant will be 30-40 centimeters. If your ultimate goal of seeds can be collected in 2.5 months after the appearance of germs. The stalks will begin shirt, in the center of umbrellas will appear brown seeds.

Anis is an excellent honey, so it's best to plant a spice near the apiary. It will benefit and plant and beekeeping.

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