How to grow cucumber grass

How to grow cucumber grass

Cucumber grass (Borago, Tootchnik) is known since the time of dawn of the Roman Empire. Borago is useful for the garden. A good honey attracts insects and increases the pollination of neighboring plants. An unpretentious annual plant without difficulties can be cultivated on its plot.

The cucumber grass will grow on a variety of lands in the physical composition, but loves well-drained luggy and sandy. Before landing, make a compost, but do not add it in large quantities. Soil acidity is allowed in a value of 4.8 to 8.3.

Under the boarding of the cucumber, highlight the solar section.

Break the cucumber grass with seeds. Conduct sowing when the risk of frosts will pass. High germination is observed at 21 ° C.

Make a 0.5-0.7 m. Depth of planting material - 2 cm. Slaughtering shoots occurs on 8-12 days, less often - 15-25.

Shoots are thinned twice. For the first time, leave the gaps of 10 cm, and in the second - 20 cm. Deciding to transfer the cucumber to a new place, remember that with the appearance of 4 liters of Borago's transplant problematic.

Caring for the jetty is made up of soil looser, weed removal and watering.

Every year Borago will be resumed by self-sowing.

After the cucumber grass in the area just once, you do not have to think more about landing a delicious medicinal plant.

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