How to grow hostess

How to grow hostess

Usually, the gardeners "break their heads" above the question, what to re-organize one or another shady garden or flower beds, where other perennials grow poorly? Host is the most suitable plant for places where little sun.

Host - a perennial plant, differently painted with leaves. There is a huge number of its varieties, and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Environmentally blurred hostes with lilac, but its main decoration is light or dark green, striped or silver leaves. Particularly elite varieties may even have cream, golden or pink splashes in the main green color.

With flowers

The host is multiplied very easily - the usual division of the bush. You can do this at least in the spring, even in the fall. To do this, the adult bush needs to dig out of the ground, wash off the roots of the earth and divide it into separate "decens".


In the prepared pit, the host can be planted immediately after its separation from the uterine busta. The host is very responsive for good land, so it is necessary to plug up a humus or humus to the landing. There will be 300 grams to one delete.


The host loves watering very much, but does not tolerate the convergence. If on the site where you are going to plant a "queen" of a shady garden, soil waters are closely suitable, the host there is not worth it. Luxurious she will not grow there. The host can grow on sunny plots, but then it will not be too bright coloring of the leaves.

Host blossom

Hosts' bushes after three or four years will grow very strongly, and they will need to rejuvenate - again divide into several small. If this is not done, the host can lose its decorativeness. It is necessary to feed the host with a cowboy or ordinary power. To do this, there is a bush around the bush, to plunder dry humidage and shed a good water.


The host is the perfect plant for edging garden tracks and alpinarium devices.

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