How to grow onions slim

How to grow onions slim

The unusual name of Luka - "Dzhance" comes from the fact that during the dump of its leaves, a lot of mucus is distinguished. The shape onion is used as usual in cooking, but it has no such sharp taste. Also this plant is very rich in iron and other vitamins.

Culture loves well-moistened soil and demanding against the fertility of the Earth. Therefore, the place selected landing place should be fed by organic, phosphate, potash and nitrous fertilizers. It is better grows on the sabe and drum soils.

If we grow the onions of the slim by seeds, then they need to be heated late in spring or early summer. Summary by rows to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. The width of the rod - 60 cm or 45 cm. In a row, the distance between the plants should be 25 cm.

The second way of transplanting Luke Lunce is the division of the bush. 2-3 year old bushes are divided into separate parts, plant in spring or early summer to a permanent place. At the same time, plants are placed similarly to the placement when sowing seeds. If one-year culture is separated, the disembarkation should be made in mid-April.

Onion slims loves loosening, like any other bow. It is enough to handle it 3-4 times, at a depth of up to 5 cm. In hot dry weather, it is imperative to water. For feeding, it is advisable to use a coward. The greens cut off when the length reaches 20-30 cm.

This unusual onion is raised easy. The bow of the mucin has a vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Onions are shown to people suffering from anemia.


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