How to grow sugar beet

How to grow sugar beet

Many dacities believe that sugar beets are grown exclusively in production scale, in order to obtain sugar. But it is not so. Sugar beet contains a large amount of nutrients. Its landing and cultivation is not very different from the usual beet table.

Sugar beet varieties can be divided into: yields, yields and sugar and sugar. Beets are extremely demanding to the soil - it should be either a sublinous, or a sudea, and well-moisturized and aerated. Also, the soil must contain a large amount of nutrients. Corn rotation is of great importance. Beet grows well after clover, legumes or winter grains. After other crops, and especially if the cultivation was like using herbicides, it would not be possible to grow a good harvest.

Cooking the garden to grow sugar beets is necessary twice: in the fall, make fertilizers - potash, phosphoric and nitrogen, and then open the garden to a depth of up to 30 cm. In the spring, it is necessary to braid well and align. It is possible to plant beets when temperatures occur from + 8 ° C and heating the soil by 5 cm.

Make a groove at a distance of 45 cm and a depth of 5 cm. Make seeds at some distance from each other. After germination, it is necessary to have a thinning. Becks generally perceive the transplant and thinning, so if you are going to perplex a small volume, it makes sense to make beet transplant. For example, there are only two rows, and then when the beets will go, sear it in bed. On large areas it is easier to do with thinning.


Sugar beets are needed careful and abundant watering during the active period of growth of the tops, then it should be watered 1 time per week, and in September, it is enough to pour only one day. It is necessary to regularly carry out ripening of rifle - for better aeration.


Simultaneously with watering sugar beets, fertilizer is required: putting potash-phosphoric fertilizer several times a season. But nitrogen fertilizers are better not to abuse, because the beet has a property of accumulating them in the form of nitrates.


Cleaning beets need to be carried out in a dry clear day. Slope the rootfold fork, carefully, without damaging it, otherwise it will be unsuitable for storage. Get rid of extra land and dried in the sun.

In addition to other useful properties, the beets in agriculture has one more important importance - it is healing and improves the fertility of the soil on which it grows. So besides the crop of sugar beet, you will be provided also and fertile land for future landings. And sugar beets on the same bed can be satisfied not earlier than 3 years after the first harvest.

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