Vigun - a plant known for us as a asparagus bean with particularly long fruits. It is more profitable to grow Wignu than simple sparky beans. From 1 square meter for 2 months of fruiting, you can collect up to 3 kg of beans!
Vigun is not touched by the composition of the soil, but the undoubted advantage will be if the soil is fertile. Preparing the land under the landing follows in the fall. It fertilizes organic and mineral fertilizers: phosphate and potash. Swivel vigna in the spring. The dried soil is drunk and equal to robbles. In order to assemble the harvest of beans in three stages, they are sown, respectively, in three stages with an interval of 10-20 days. The first stage falls in mid-April. It also depends on climatic conditions.The plant is very rich in protein, iron salts and calcium. It has the properties of the dietary product, which allows you to strengthen the health of people with diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, with gastritis and diabetes mellitus.