How to grow mushrooms

How to grow mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are very tasty both in a soup and fried potatoes. Even more interest attracts to these mushrooms the fact that they are easy to grow at home are attracted. This is a fairly interesting hobby, which in the end can turn into a business.

Acquire mycelium. For the first experimental time, 1 kg is enough (about 4 kg of mushrooms will grow from it). Store mycelium in the refrigerator at 2-4 ° C.

We are preparing subtatat from straw, husk seeds, buckwheat husks, sawdust, crushed corn waste. The material for substatat must be clean, without mold. For 1 kg of mycelium, 10 kg of raw materials crushed into pieces of 4-5 cm.


For disinfection, we pour the substrate into the bulk venouncement and pour it with water, cook for almost 2 hours. Then we drain the water and cool the substrate to a temperature of 25-28 ° C. We check it on the humidity, for this we compress subtat in your hand - only a few drops should appear, the water should not flow.


We prepare 2 polyethylene bags, 5 kg of substrate should fit into each. We disinfect the packages: we rinse them and put for a couple of hours in 1-2% chlorine solution. Fill the bags to the top, alternating the substrate layers (5cm) and mycelium (0.5 cm). The last layer should be a substrate. Tie a bag and make slots, the distance between which is 10-15 cm.


We are transferred for the period of incubation (about 2 weeks) Mushroom blocks to the intended room, corresponding to the following conditions: the lighting is not necessary, the temperature is + 18-22 ° C, several times a day of air, it is important that flies do not penetrate there. In the first days, the substrate inside the bags will be heated, the achievement of the mark + 30 ° C can cause the death of the mushroom. Therefore, we cool the mushroom blocks by directing the fan on them. On the fourth day, it can be seen that whitish threads of the mushrooms grow in substatte. After 12 days, the mushroom will fill a homogeneous mushroom block, which by that time will acquire a characteristic mushroom smell.

In order for the mushrooms to begin to be fruit, they need to move to the lighted 9 hours a day, at a temperature of + 10-15 ° C, where we will support air humidity up to 90-95% and ventilated 3 times a day. For moisturizing, spray the walls and a floor with water, you can use a special device for humidifying air in the apartment.

After a couple of weeks, the wonderful harvest of oysteries matures. When collecting mushrooms from substatat, it is advisable to unscrew, and not cut off. Collecting the first harvest, continue to maintain the necessary conditions in order to grow a second wave of the harvest in two weeks. So we get up to four fruiting waves, while the most productive are the first and second. After the 4th wave, mushroom blocks stop fruit, they can be used as excellent fertilizer.

If the cultivation of mushrooms from scratch will seem too complex to someone, you can buy in the mushroom farm already ready-made mushroom blocks (subtatat inoculated by mycelium) with detailed instructions for the cultivation of mushrooms. It will only be necessary to maintain the necessary conditions and collect harvest. Mushroom production can be a pleasant and interesting occupation.

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