How to grow champignons at home

How to grow champignons at home

Champignons belong to one of the types of mushrooms that can be grown at home. This requires a dark cool room with a constant high level of humidity.

The preparation of soil for champignons is the most difficult process in growing mushrooms. For mushrooms, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 3 m², it will take: 1 C straw, as much grains of winter wheat, leaves and potato tops. Champignons grow well in the soil from horse manure, it will be required 1/2 c. Instead, you can use the manure of cattle. It is also necessary: \u200b\u200b300-400 l of water, 2 kg of superphosphate and urea, 7 kg of plaster, 5 kg of chalk.

Solool, grain and tops soak for a day. Laying them on the manure, plenty. Stiring well, add all other components. This mixture must be sealing and covered with a film. The substrate is preparing for 15-20 days. During this time, he highlights an unpleasant smell of ammonia, so at the time of preparation it is better to put it on an open place, protected from the sun and rain.

After disappearing the unpleasant smell, the substrate must be put on a permanent place. At home, it will be boxes or racks. This number of substrate will require 1.2 kg of sowing material - mycelium. Mycelium is two species - grain and compost. The grain is stored about six months at a temperature of from 0 to +4 ° C. The compost mycelium is stored at room temperature for about 20 days, and at 0 ° C - up to 12 months. But this kind of mycelium is less fertile. The soil must slightly spring and its temperature should be 60 ° C.

Colding the substrate to 25 ° C, fall asleep it into the prepared capacity by 25-30 cm. Move the mycelium should be in one handful in the wells located in a checker order at a distance of 25 cm from each other. The grain mycelium is sown throughout the surface of the soil, then it must be sprinkled with a 5 cm layer of the substrate. Cover the tank with the film.

A very important point in the period of growth is to maintain a constant temperature (18-20 ° C) and humidity (50-55%). After 2-3 weeks, the fungitus starts up to about 3 cm. During this period, it must be sprinkled with a small layer of greenhouse land and moisturize as drying. Watering is better made from the sprayer so as not to compact the soil.

Fruit the mushroom begins after a half or two months. Fruption continues for 2-3 months. Film over tanks should be pulled out. You need to collect mushrooms that have a film connecting the leg and a hat. They should be carefully unscrewed so as not to destroy the fungne. Then this place must be sprinkled with the earth. Old mushrooms with darkened and burst plates are impossible - they are poisonous.

In any case, the harvest of champignons will grow, because They are very unpretentious. With the right departure from 1 m² of area, you can collect 5-15 kg of harvest.

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