How to grow champignons at home

How to grow champignons at home

Delicious and fragrant champignon is one of the sought-after products in the kitchen. It is used to prepare various types of salads, snacks and first dishes. Such popularity of the fungus is of interest to grow it at home. It is not necessary to deal with this process on a large scale. It is enough to show a little smelting and effort to enjoy environmentally friendly mushrooms all year round and not spend money on their purchase in expensive supermarkets.

You can grow a champignon not only in the country area, in a greenhouse or basement, but also in a conventional urban apartment. It is only necessary to strictly adhere to a certain cultivation technology.

We prepare the soil to grow champignons. Perhaps this is the most difficult stage of the process of growing at home. The substrate is based on a compost cooked from straw and horse manure, in proportion 2: 1, which are tightly placed in layers and abundantly water water. The finished compost is saturated with fertilizers (superphosphates) and urea from the calculation of 1 kg per 250 kg of horse manure. It should be borne in mind that the process of composting occurs with the release of sharply smelling products of rotting, therefore it is produced in well-ventilated rooms.

Locked mycelium mushroom at home. In the prepared substrate, the fermentation process should be fully completed, and the temperature of reaching 25 C. Acquired compost mycelium by placing small portions to the ground to a depth of up to 5 cm in a checker order. The grain mycelium (namely he is the most damned) you can simply dispel on the substrate and lightly hide a small layer of soil.

Grow champignons at home. We abundantly water with a pulverizer and save a constant temperature in 15-20 C. If the disembarka produced on the open soil, do not forget to bite the beds with paper, dark polyethylene, plywood.

We care about the first shoots. To do this, after 2-3 weeks, we cover the crude mibnica with a small layer of a special soil of peat and chalk (9: 1). Be sure to follow the lack of drafts.

I managed to grow champignons? Then we collect a crop! With proper cultivation in a closed room, this can be achieved up to seven times a year. From the first germs to the last mushroom takes up to 4 months. Therefore, you can enjoy homemade mushrooms for a long time. Champignons do not cut off, and unscrewed from the wells. Then the young champignon will appear in the place of the grown mushroom in a week. Just keep in mind that only mushrooms need to collect, which have a connecting film between a hat and leg. And do not think to take the darkened or burst mushrooms. They can be poisonous! After collecting the whole harvest, the soil is cleaned, and the room is treated with a 4% solution of chlorine lime.

In general, champignons are unpretentious and grow up with any care. This instruction is only for those who want not to just grow champignons at home, but also get a big harvest (up to 12 kg with sq.m.).

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