How to grow mushrooms at home

How to grow mushrooms at home

Growing at home is an excellent idea for business, as well as the opportunity to always have fresh mushrooms to the table. You will be able to be confident in their quality and environmental friendliness, among other things, saving money to buy products and even replenishing your wallet.

The main technologies of growing mad

This mushroom is one of the most unpretentious and easy-to-man. Decent harvest can be obtained to everyone, since this type is the least susceptible to diseases and attempted parasites. By purchasing the soil and equipping the room, you can easily collect up to 3 kg of harvest with 1 kg of mycelium. It should be said in advance that there are two basic technology of growing awareness: extensive and less cost, plus intense, which will require large investments. The first implies the growing mushroom in vivo, with a concomitant seasonality of maturation and a rigid weather dependence, the second - care in an artificial environment, accompanied by constant support for the microclimate, the installation of heating and lighting, feeding and so on. The advantages of such methods are obvious: small investments for extensive and decent yields with the ability to emphasize the investments for intensive.

Cooking Substrate for Oyster

The principle of working with this type of fungi is the same for both cases. The basis of the growth of oysteries is mycelium and a substrate in which the first will begin to develop. The substrate must be treated in advance, for example steam or hot water to create an optimal medium for mycelium. These methods are drinking the base layer moisture and air, while at the same time destroying mold pathogens. Excellent cope with the role of straw substrate, dry corn stems, husk from pumpkin seeds or sunflower. The wood chips has proven well, but it's better not to work with it. Mold damaging the fungne is easily started in sawdust, so certain experience is needed to use such a material. Also should not have a dispensing. To check this, the moisturized substrate is compressed in the palm of palm. If water is still dripping, it is left to push it. Ready soil spring and easily frozen, but does not allow moisture out of himself.

How to choose mycelium oyster?

This stage is one of the most important in the entire venture. It is best to buy myceliums from famous, reliable suppliers with good reviews, pre-specifying the following questions: What is the grade of the mushroom, specified on the strain label, how big is the percentage and rate of fouling, whether the shelf life has not been released and to which date it will last whether there is a stability to mold. It is desirable to be able to look at mycelium yourself to check the temperature inside the overheating (about +20), eliminate the presence of black and green spots, ammonium smell. A healthy mycelium should be evenly orange, with a small admixture of yellow. The shelf life of the sowing mycelium should not exceed 3 months, substrate - up to 9.

When immersed in the substrate, it is important to give mycelium to lie down in the same room so that it can adapt to the environment and temperature. To avoid infection of all the fungnyes, the landing of mycelium and the cultivation of mushrooms is better to produce in different rooms.

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