How to grow champignons

How to grow champignons

If you live in a private house where there is a basement or a barn, then you have a great opportunity to grow mushrooms yourself. Today we will tell you how at home to grow champignons.

Shed or basement for a device in it. Circumcocks with champignons should be cool and wet. Cool, because when the nutrient substrate is ripening, there will be a lot of heat from it. The humidity is needed for the growth of absolutely all mushrooms - remember that they are collected in the forest after rain. But the champignons absolutely do not require illumination, so on the lights can be saved.

In order to grow champignons, you first need to prepare a substrate, and then fall into it a mushroom mycelium. The substrate is a compost, only a certain composition. For these mushrooms, nutritional soil is prepared from manure (75-80%) and straw (20-25%). It is best for such purposes a horse manure, and straw - rye or wheat. Prepare the substrate is recommended on the street and under the canopy. The optimal size for the preparation and maturation of the substrate is a long bunch (her height is 1.5 m, width - 1.2 m).

How to prepare a substrate pile:

  1. Take 100 kilograms of straw.
  2. Fill it with water and leave for 24 hours.
  3. Prepare 400 kilograms of manure.
  4. Fill into a tank under a canopy of 300 liters of water, better than swamp.
  5. In the garden "Garden-garden" buy 2 kilograms of urea and 2 more kilograms of superphosphate.
  6. In the construction store, purchase 7 kilograms of dry gypsum and 5 kilograms of the chalk powder.
  7. Pushed straw and manure lay down on each other layers - all of them should be three or four.
  8. Each individual straw layer additionally water the swamp water from the tank.
  9. In addition to water, each layer wake up urea (2 kg) and supephod (0.5 kg).
  10. The resulting bunch is thoroughly mixed, only four times.
  11. During the first mixing, pumped all the plaster.
  12. With the second, split the remaining 1.5 kg of superphosphate.
  13. As part of the third mixing in a bunch, add chalk.

After 20-22 days, the substrate for the cultivation of champignons will be ready. During this time, a bunch of manure and straw will warm up, and the ingredients will distort. It turns out the black crumbly mass, which can be shown in the boxes and get to the basement. The substrate now needs to plant mushroom mycelium. Buy it in specialized stores or ordering through the Internet.


In the boxes, the finished substrate is laid by a small layer, only 25-30 cm. Lift the substrate with any suitable long object and put mycelium to the resulting junction to a depth of 4-5 cm. In each well, put its amount, in size comparable to a chicken egg. At the top of mycelium, suck the substrate. The holes-holes in the box are digging in a chess order at a distance of 20-25 cm between them. During the incubation, the humidity in the basement should be very high - 75-90%. For this, constantly moisturize the walls and floor indoors. The upper layer of the substrate on the beds moisturize with water from the sprayer, and so that the moisture does not evaporate - boxes cover with loop, burlap or even old newspapers. Using a special thermometer for soil, measure the temperature inside the bed. It should be at the level of 20-27 ° C. With the value below 20 ° C, adjust the basement. With the value above 27 ° C - more often ventilate the basement.

After 10-12 days, the mushroom will grow on the surface of the substrate, which will resemble thin white threads. At this time, pour it with a thin layer (3-4 cm) of the so-called coating soil. Make it out of 5 parts of the peat, 1 parts of the chalk powder and 4 parts of the earth from the garden. 5-7 days after the frighting of the mushrooms in the coating layer of soil, organize a temperature of 12-17 ° C in the basement. Humidity maintain at 75-90%.

In a month and a half, you can collect champignons on the garden grown with your own hands. With one planted bed, mushrooms can be collected up to 14 times, such a number of "yields" waves can be obtained if we provide the conditions for which it was described above. Most fungi will be in the first two or three waves. A wave is the time when mushrooms come to the surface and reach their optimal size.

In the presented video lessons you can find out some more nuances of growing champignons at home.

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