Growing champignons as a business

Growing champignons as a business

Business on the cultivation of champignons is based on the organization of cyclic production of planting, cultivation and realization of mushrooms. We offer to familiarize yourself with the stages of creating this particular and complex in execution, but a very profitable enterprise.

Legal registration of activities for the cultivation of champignons

Usually, a personal subsidiary farming is enough to organize a business for growing plants. However, special requirements are presented to enterprises for the production of fresh mushrooms. The industrialist will have to contact the tax inspectorate to register its activities as an individual entrepreneur. The commerce engaged in the cultivation of mushrooms is considered an agricultural producer and is subject to a single agricultural six percent tax (ECN) from net profit.

Initial business costs for the cultivation of champignons

The exact amount of investment in business development is difficult, after all, to name the cost or rental of equipment, premises, raw materials is impossible. An ideal is the option in which everything necessary for playing the full cycle of growing champignons is in one site. For this, you will need several premises.

  • The room for the preparation of compost is selected in the case of independent preparation of the substance. For 400 square square. m. Need a mini tractor, an ingredder for straw processing and a grainwork for grinding litter. To the building it is necessary to bring water supply and sewage. On the preparation of 1 ton of compost, 0.5 tons of straw and 0.3 tons of litter are necessary. After cooking compost blanks, the material is transported to another room for further processing.
  • The compost pasteurization room takes 50 square meters. m. Placed a steam boiler, steam expander, a system of metal pipes for steam supply. The heating system can operate on any type of fuel. Independently prepare compost only very experienced mushrooms. For novice merchants, the compost is better to get ready, because the main cause of failures in this business is connected with a poor-quality substance.
  • It is also necessary for the premises for the cultivation of mycelium (50 sq. M.) with heating devices, watering system and fresh air. Beginners Entrepreneurs usually buy ready-made fungunitsa.
  • The premises for growing mushrooms (50 sq. M). A closed building is suitable with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters. m., for example, a former barn. We will need finances on heating, watering and ventilation systems, because champignons love the temperature of +12 degrees and humidity of about 80 percent. To lighting champignons are not demanding, but it is necessary to spray equipment for spraying fog.

Systems of growing champignons

There are several champignon growing systems - on the beds, on the shelves, in bags or containers. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the method of growing champignons on the beds does not require costs for the manufacture of special containers. Growing on the shelves makes it possible to completely mechanize the process of care for champignons and allows you to rationally use the entire space space.

Technology growing champignons

The finished compost is laid in accordance with the chosen growth scheme of mushrooms. The depth of the fertile layer is 30 cm. Soil is heated to a temperature of 28 degrees at a depth of 5 cm, after which mycelium is planted. After 30 - 50 days, the harvest can be collected. During this time, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the soil, the humidity of the room, to provide fresh air access to champignons. Fruption lasts 2-3 months in several stages.

Implementation and profit from the cultivation of champignons

A ton of finished compost with a mushroom is $ 200. Such a number of substrate can produce 200 kg of champignons. At the cost of $ 2 dollars per 1 kg, 400 dollars are obtained. After deducting the costs of salary to employees and the heating of the room, the net income per cycle is determined. Figures I can vary depending on time, place and circumstances.

The best option for implementation is when the buyer is a final consumer of products. Customers can also be cafes, shops and restaurants.

The potential of growing and marketing champignons is huge, because labor costs and investments are small, and profitability reaches 100 percent. Everyone has the prerequisites for the rapid development of business and getting good profits.

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