How to get money on business from the state

How to get money on business from the state

As practice shows, money in life is not the main thing, the main thing is ideas. With a good business grip and due diligence under a good business plan, funds can be found. As it turned out, it is not necessary to go far for this, because you can get money on a business from the state.

If your idea is standing and you are really ready to devote to its realization time and strength, feel free to go to the Center for Employment of the Population. Within 10 days you are recognized as unemployed. Tell your curator that you want to open your business.

Now you need to write a competent business plan. Consider everything to a penny! If possible, connect an experienced accountant. The amount that the employment center is ready is written in the parish. When calculating wages, focus on the average indicators.

Ideally, to interest the state, your project should solve any social problems, promote the creation of new jobs. Let us understand that the services of your business will be used by the low-income segments of the population.

After the business plan, you will need to get a test that will identify your leadership and business qualities. The project should be protected before the Commission and, if approved, the registration of IP or LLC should be. During the week, you will receive a certificate of opening a company. Order printing (save check).

With printing and documents, go to the Employment Center for the signing of the Agreement. There you will be returned to the cost of registration and manufacture of printing. To get help from the state, you are obliged to hire a person recognized as unemployed.

Money will be listed on your current account within ten days from the date of registration of the company. Additionally, you can get money from the state from the state in the Ministry of Economic Development and in the Funds to promote the development of small businesses.

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