How to open your business

How to open your business

Business registration is the registration of an individual taxpayer, its enterprises or an organization, with the subsequent payment of income taxes, the reporting of every quarter. The basis of its own company follows after the commissioning and execution of a full package of documents.

Business creation requires a clearly developed strategy. First of all make up a business plan. To do this, read the thematic material that will be not only informative for your activities, but also incredibly fascinating. One of these sites - Your business: where to startwhere the finished solutions and all streaming nuances associated with a certain type of activity are copulated.

In a business plan, consider:

  • rental costs and utilities;
  • purchase of furniture or the necessary equipment;
  • registration of office or hall;
  • the cost of registration by a private entrepreneur;
  • spending on advertising;
  • bright, chaining header;
  • the essence and specification of your company must be conveyed to a potential customer through printed products;
  • provide a discount system and incentive bonuses;
  • consider the costs of salary to employees at first - 3-6 months;
  • analyze the sales market or distribution of services, as well as calculate the preliminary minimum profit to pay for expenses;
  • find a suitable room in a crowded place.

Start registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is the most acceptable (in terms of tax fee) and common forms of small business registration. SP independently manages the revenues and is not required to record all revenues through the bank accounts and tax returns. A limited liability company, unlike the first, does not meet its own property on the Company's obligations.

IP passes the following registration procedure:

  • Fill out the application form for registration.
  • Put in the appropriate OKVED (code of the type of activity). You can find it on the official portal Careful explanation of each sphere and its target direction will make it possible to accurately select the required code.
  • Make copies of the passport and identification number.
  • Enter documents to the Tax Inspectorate. After registration with the tax inspector of the corresponding marks, go to a notarized employee and complete all documents.
  • Pay for state duty.
  • Under all the documents, including a receipt of payment, the tax inspector and ask to help draw up an application for the transition to a simplified tax payment system.
  • Get a certificate of registration and an extract from a single registry.
  • Get code values \u200b\u200bin Rosstat and open the invoice in the bank to the name of the entrepreneur (Company name)
  • Notify the Tax Inspectorate on the presence of a bank account.

The order of registration of LLC occurs differently, requires a slightly higher time spending and an extended package of documents.

  1. Make up and make the statutory documents of the future enterprise in two copies.
  2. Protocol assembly of all participants in LLC.
  3. Check about paying duty.
  4. Statement of the form of P11001 with a signature of one of the participants of the company, certified by a notary.
  5. Application for a simplified tax system.

Open a cumulative account in the bank, where the authorized capital will be visible. Next, pay the state fee for registration - the exact amount of you will report a tax employee dealing with your business. Take a ready-made package of documents to the tax.

After the expiration of the expired term, you will receive an extract from the EGRULT, constituent documents, certificate of state registration and inclusion in the taxpayer register, after which you order printing and open the account in the bank.

Documents for registration of an enterprise or IP, as a rule, are considered and approved within a week or 5 business days. All changes in statutory documents, an increase in posts, the opening of vacant places, the change of managers - must necessarily be fixed in the tax inspectorate.


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