How to open your audit firm

How to open your audit firm

The provision of audit services has always been promising and profitable business. Currently, investors are most often resorted to the services of auditors before buying ready-made business projects and managers of firms and enterprises before planned invasion of tax authorities. Do you have experience in the field of audit? Think about your own business? Planning to move from the category of employees in businessmen? So, this article is for you. We will tell you how to open and properly organize your audit firm.

In order to open its own audit company, you need to get a special auditor certificate and, of course, a license to carry out audit activities, and then - register your company as a legal entity. Then you need to arrange in any of the banking institutions a settlement account for financial transactions on your company.

An important stage is to create a working business plan. The main sections that it should include is:

  • preliminary analysis of the services of the services provided;
  • the main potential costs of legal registration, salary to employees, rent for the office, the purchase of furniture and office equipment;
  • informative commercial offer of the company;
  • a detailed list of possible audit services and client bonuses;
  • forecasting business payback time.

Remember that following a clear business program is the key to the success and prosperity of your company.

The newcomers in the audit market is very important to determine the range of services provided (to begin with, it may be an internal audit of accounting reporting and the taxation system of the Customer's company, the audit of the company's cash flows, etc.). In the first few months, for a young audit company, the main target audience becomes, as a rule, small firms and enterprises of medium-sized businesses. A little later, becoming "audit sharks" with a positive reputation, you can count on larger and profitable customers. Be sure to consider the system of discounts and bonuses for permanent and new customers.

The next stage is the organization of the office. It is best if you find a premises for office in a large business center in which various firms are functioning - each of them, in fact, is your potential customer. Let your office be small, but necessarily in a normal technical condition. Presentable premises - one of your business cards. Important moment: Be sure to take into account the territorial location of the future office - customers must quickly and easily find the way to you. Take care of equipping your office office equipment and necessary furniture: First you need tables and chairs in the number of personnel, additional chairs for visitors, computers or laptops, printer, fax and copy machine.

The selection of employees is a megal task, refer to it as much as possible. It is from the professional qualities of employees of the company depends the success and profitability of the business. Ideally - to gain a team from experienced qualified auditors who are perfectly understood in all subtleties and nuances of their business. If we are talking about creating a small audit company, then first time you can do by two regular units. The founder of the company (he is the general director) can take on a visit to the profile conferences and seminars, making business negotiations, the conclusion of transactions and conducting audit inspections, and the Deputy Director - the decision of legal issues and accounting.

Successful audit business is impossible without advertising, so do not skimp on creating a high-quality site for your company and its promotion. Attract potential customers with the help of "clinging" ads in the press and the media. Do not comprehend money on business cards, flyers and brochures - all advertising components together will definitely work and make your services in demand, and business is prosperous and cost-effective.

With a competent and responsible approach to the case, starting investments in the audit business pays off on average for six months.

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