How to open a home kindergarten

How to open a home kindergarten

The demographic situation in the country is such that the children are born much more than another 5-6 years ago. And that's fine! But, unfortunately, the state is not able to provide all kids in kindergartens. Therefore, home (private) children's institutions are very popular today. Open a homely kindergarten is quite possible, but only strictly observing all government norms.

Children's kindergartens, even private, even government, fall under the educational sphere, so their work is regulated by the Federal Law "On Education". If you are going to open a children's institution, be sure to learn this document.

No official will give permission to open a kindergarten if the applicant is a private person, even if an individual entrepreneur. The law provides that all educational institutions to which the kinders apply and should be legal entities. So, in order to open a kindergarten, before you need to open a law firm. One clause: Do not have the right to engage in the opening of a kindergarten organization that are engaged in commercial activities. Those. Ltd., CJSC, JSC and them like, in the charters of which are provided for a variety of commerce, will not be able to qualify for the opening of a children's institution.

In order to open a law firm, to develop its charter and other constituent documents, it is better to apply to a specialized law firm, which in the future can and accompany the "fairy tale" in all sorts of state bodies. Register a law firm that will be engaged in raising children, you can only 30 days. This period is established by Russian legislation, and registering the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice. If the premises for kindergartens are already leased, then you can specify its address as a legal address. If not yet - then you can specify the home address of the head of the future garden (the law it allows).

After registering a "fairy tales", it must be recorded in the tax inspectorate, the Pension Fund, the Fund of Social Insurance, the Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance and the State Statistics Authorities. It is also necessary to open an account in the bank, which will be paid for a kind of kindergarten from parents and from which taxes will be paid.

Sanpine standards are provided that for each garden pupil, it is necessary to provide at least 4 squares of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In addition, the garden should be a medical office, dining room, separate rooms for sleep, games and sports activities. The same standards provide for specialized children's furniture in the quantity so that it is enough for all pupils. Private kindergarten must necessarily have a separate entrance, and not through the overall entrance. Also, the room should be equipped with a fire alarm.

After the firm "Tale" was registered, put on all accounting and the premises were fully equipped, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from the Mrselfge and from SanEpidemstron about the suitability of the garden to find children in it.


And the last, an important question - staff! Only a person with pedagogical education, a nurse, with a medical, cook, can work as an educator in private garden, with culinary. It is desirable that the educators have experience in working with children, because from how he will educate and teach children depends on how much the home kindergarten will be.

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