How to open a private school

How to open a private school

Education was, there will be one of the most important stages in the life of every person. It is not surprising that every conscious parent is trying to choose the best educational institution for his child. Often, such a choice falls on a private school. But since in our time there are not too many private educational institutions, more and more entrepreneurs are thinking over the beginning of a career in this thoroughfon. Unfortunately, in fact, everything is much more complicated than in words. To open a private school, you need to go through a sufficiently long and time-consuming process.

According to experts, it is important for the opening of a private school to observe three golden rules: powerful and independent sources of financing, a separate building with a sufficient number of territory (responding to all standards and requirements), its own methodology of upbringing and training, that is, the so-called "chip" is your study establishments.

Before proceeding to the implementation of the planned, it is necessary to configure yourself in advance to the fact that fast huge profits are impossible in such a case in principle, it is impossible to open a cumulative account or sell promotions, the state accreditation of your school will be only a while, so the first years will have to take the students Exams twice (in your state university).

If you are ready for similar difficulties, obstacles and grief in early pores, proceed! At the first primary stage it is important to examine the market of such services in your region, make a business plan and create the charter of your future school. Next, open an IP or a legal entity, get a bill in the bank and register printing.

No less labor-intensive process - obtaining a license. The issuance of such a document is engaged in a specific state body, for example, the Department of Education. To obtain a license, you need to get all the documents (the list can be found on the website of the State institution), the permissions of important instances, create a staffing schedule and form the teaching staff.

Next, think about the room for the future private school. It must certainly comply with the requirements of fire safety and sanitary service. The ideal option is the territory of the former kindergarten. As a rule, they are located in a residential area, are a separate building and possess a sufficient number of adjacent areas. It is important to take care of the parking lot. After all, many parents will bring children to a private school by car.

Of course, it is necessary to develop a curriculum. It is possible to create it yourself (make up specialists and confirms the ministry) or use the existing one. It is also worth pre-prepare all the necessary equipment in advance: furniture, equipment, scientific and educational materials, textbooks, benefits, methods, etc. An important is the presence of a library. For such, enter into an agreement with one or more specific publishers who will provide you in the future copies of the issued books.

Pay a lot of time to the selection of teaching staff and additional personnel. Pedagogues should be elected by the competition. One way or another, a private school implies only the best teachers who have extensive experiences, skills, skills and love for their profession and directly to children. Also worth hiring choreographers or music teachers in advance if such subjects have a place to be. Next, select Tech. Forwards, staff doctors, guards, accountants, administrator, chefs, etc.

At first, no advertising can not do. Of course, over time, a private school will not need disciples, but at the beginning it is good to re-advertise it. Apply ads to local media, create a website on the Internet, describing in detail the concepts and techniques, tell us all familiar about the opening of a new educational institution ("Sarafan Radio" no one has canceled). In order for the number of students grew every year, it is still important to pay time for the creation of its own learning and education techniques. Modern parents prefer newer options for old beaten methods.

For pills, we provide the following statistics: the income of a private educational institution on average consists of such items - a monthly fee (70%), grants (15-20%), entrance fees (3-7%), individual classes (2-5%) . In sum - about 3-7 thousand conditional units. But it is not worth sharing, most of the funds will be spent on the development of new techniques, troubleshooting, unforeseen spending, etc.

This is such a difficult way to go to the opening of your own private school. If you like your business and dream of embodying it in reality - act without fears! Everything will work out.

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