How to open a tourist firm

How to open a tourist firm

At first glance, the tourist business seems colorful and almost carefree. But the organizer of someone else's rest should do a lot of work, take into account all the nuances and wishes of the client, to ensure a comfortable, unforgettable vacation. If you are ready to work on this field, you should know the secrets of a successful start of travel agency.

We rent and equip the office. Location Choose convenient from the point of view of transport so that the client can easily find the right doors. It would be nice to have parking. The interior of the premises should be issued in a relaxed style, each of its item must configure the visitor to the pleasure of the upcoming trip. It is important to get a tourist trust, so we hide all sorts of diplomas and certificates on the walls, even letters for participation in the competition or charitable event are suitable.

We select staff. A qualified manager will be expensive, but it is his work that brings us income, so it is not worth noticeing. For a start, there are enough two managers, and if one of them can part-time to fulfill the obligations of an accountant - it's just great!

We draw up the documentation. V Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development We send an application for the issuance of the relevant license. An entire number of documents should be attached to the application:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise (or a notarized copy);
  • document on registration in the tax inspection (or copy);
  • a copy of the diploma of an individual entrepreneur and the registry number;
  • office indoor data;
  • hygienic certificate (about susceptible lectures in SanEpidemstation);
  • labor books of employees. In the books of the Director of the Organization and at least a quarter of the personnel should be a work experience in the tourist sphere of three years.

Choosing a tour operator. Our success depends on cooperation with him, so we conclude an agreement with a reliable, experienced company. At the same time, do not forget to check all the certificates of the tour operator, its compulsory insurance contract, the registry number and the financial situation of the organization. Only after a comprehensive study of the future partner, we start working together.

To increase the stream of customers, do not do without advertising. It does not happen much, I order at the maximum, based on the budget of the company. At the same time, run your site and in every possible way to his piraim. Customers offer selection of the tour and online advice.

After the start, it is important not to slow down turnover, constantly expand the list of destinations and routes. Perhaps, in the first year, the company's profit will be low, but each subsequent season will bring all new customers, and with them more income. Once he rests with you "On perfectly", the tourist will come again, also will lead friends.

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