How to open your company

How to open your company

Those who wish to open a lot, but not everyone is obtained. One idea and desire is little, there must be a huge desire, focus on the result and, of course, initial capital.

First of all, you need to decide what type of economic activity to choose, and it is important is the method of opening a company. You can purchase a ready-made business and continue to develop it in the same direction, but the cost of this pleasure is too high. As an option - buy a franchise (trademark, business methods). Or organize your company from scratch - in this case, you need to plan everything in detail and choose what exactly to do.

Choose property form: This may be PE (IP), JSC, LLC, CJSC. Most often, new firms are opened on behalf of PE, and in the future, with a good course of development, they are converted to LLC. The choice depends on many factors: financial position, number of employees, type of enterprise, taxation. If this issue fails to independently understand - a lawyer and accountant is needed.

The choice of the taxation system is also an important point: it may be a common or simplified (single tax). You need to collect a package of documents, pass to the tax and in five days to obtain a certificate of registration of the company or a motivated failure.

The company must have a legal address, and also requires a complete package of constituent documents: certificate of state registration, certificate of registration in the tax, the protocol on the appointed leader and its passport data, as well as the charter. It is necessary to print, otherwise it will be impossible to open a bank account.

Come up with the name, but you should not use well-known logos, otherwise it threatens the fine. It should be original, memorable and match the type of activity.

Simultaneously with the fiber on the collection of documents and their design, a business plan should be compiled. Thanks to him, all sorts of options for obtaining profit and obstacles are taken into account, as well as ways to solve problems. It describes the activities of the company, its functioning, assessment of the expected profit and loss and competitive advantages.

The latter and one of the most important points is the starting capital. On success, it can be affected as an insufficient investment of money and excessive (may not pay off). The source of financing may be friends, relatives or financial organizations. There is a concept - a business loan, but it is very difficult to get it. Be sure to need a business plan and collateral property, and this does not provide it with a 100% positive answer. It is better to issue a consumer loan, of course, the amount, of course, will be much smaller, but the minimum package of documents will be required, and in this case it increases receiving approval. The presence of own funds is the most optimal option.

The most important thing when opening its own company is to consider everything to the smallest details, as well as try to reduce the initial costs. It is better to spend money on business development and advertising (you can also post on free sites, in newspapers). Very often, with minimal cost, the result exceeds expectation.

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Irina 12/23/12 at 23:20

Start with the franchise, it seems to me, the most convenient, and quick option to start earning. Think ourselves, you buy, already a really working business, which is already known. I just didn't buy a franchise from fishing for a long time and I already see the result. I work less than three months, and the profit is already coming and this is just the beginning.

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