How to open a construction company

How to open a construction company

Construction business is a direct activity in the current market. Therefore, if you want to have a good permanent income and possess in this area with certain knowledge, open your own construction company. In this article we will describe the steps that you have to go to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an earnings.

Your desire and starting capital is the first thing you need. If there are no funds or there are few them, work until the intermediary for the repair of apartments. It will give you knowledge, experience and money for future activities. For this you need quite a bit: small costs of advertising and agreement with 2-3 construction teams. For a certain percentage of the transaction, you will find work for them.

If you have money in bulk, there is no reason to postpone the full registration of your future firm. The source documents for it can be obtained in the relevant departments of your urban administration according to the submitted statement. Then the package of documents is provided to the Tax Inspectorate. It must contain: the establishment of the company, the protocol of the meeting and the decision of the founders, forms on the opening of the company and receipt of the payment of state duty.

The consequences of a visit to this office will give you the right to order for your brainchild. Cute seals and open an account in a bank, which will immediately need to be made half of the company's authorized fund.

All equipment and equipment of your company must be provided with technical passports, acts of inspections on the part of labor protection bodies and comply with the types of work.

In addition to designing construction mechanisms, take care in advance about the staff set for your company. His staff should know their work, and some of them are to have higher education. Necessarily the availability of an accountant.

After performing all the actions listed above, apply for a license. This is done in the architectural and construction inspection. There will need to go through a special commission that decides whether to issue you a document for the right of activity or not. Joke, of course, will give.

Then the bank will open you the current accounts of the company. Within 5 days, it is necessary to inform the tax inspectorate. On this, the company's legal design ends, but the main work is still ahead.

Customer search will require the allocation of funds from the budget to various advertising companies, which are held on the streets of the city, in newspapers, networks, specialized magazines, on radio and television. Work with the received clients is made in the language of design and estimate documentation, which will be drawn up by the manufacturing department of your company. And then - the case of technology, the future will show. Good luck in business!

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