How to open ritual services

How to open ritual services

To the great regret of the recipe that can give eternal life until there is. Sooner or later, all people die. Therefore, the firms that provide services for the preparation and ceremony of the deceased are always needed. Business on the organization of funeral brings good money. And you do not need to experience a feeling of disgust from what you have to make money on someone else's grief. Without such services, relatives and friends of the dead would have to have much harder. If you are not afraid of a gloomy atmosphere of this earnings, and the reason is subordinated to the desire to help grieving people, read our material below.

To open the agency for the provision of ritual services will be required:

  • office and warehouse located at the right selected place;
  • staff, including a lawyer;
  • advertising tools;
  • arrangements with attribute manufacturers for funerals;
  • coordination of your activities with the cemetery administration.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to identify the services that your firm plans to provide close to the deceased. This is usually: delivery of the coffin and wreaths, ensuring the funeral of the cataphalkas and buses for close deceased, who wish to spend on the last shelter, hiring people to grow the grave and the services of the brass orchestra. Without agreement with the director of the cemetery, the selection of the land and conducting the funeral ritual is also not to do.

In the presence of good starting capital, the list of the above can be supplemented by the manufacture of monuments, coffins and crosses, body grinding, cremation, disinfection of premises, religious rites, services of cosmetology, repatriation, selection of clothing for the deceased, the provision of space for compensation. It is necessary to remember that the market of ritual services implies the most severe competition.

Then the suitable rooms are selected. At least they should be at least four:

  • department for employees;
  • warehouse of funeral accessories;
  • room for mini-morgue and accommodation in it equipment for handling bodies;
  • room waiting for loved ones and relatives of the deceased.

As a result, more than 200 sq. M. Square of premises. It is also necessary to provide a platform for the parking lot and buses.

The company should have the name corresponding to its kind of activity. Apply Names and Patos Names in this case is not worth it. In the design of the overall style of the funeral bureau creative and expression will be superfluous.

An important point in organizing such a business is the search for people who will need your company. To do this, it is worth issuing contractual obligations with hospitals, ambulance and municipality. You can unofficially agree with doctors (do not get wrong!). As for advertising, in this case it should not be placed in glossy supermodic editions and be obsessive. Let it be urban publications, business cards and ads, which were disclosed on the pillars.

The recruitment is also an important step to organize the agreed actions of the entire body of the enterprise. Your employees must first of all be sensitive psychologists capable of proper communication with people at the time of their grief. Their number depends on the number of ritual services provided by the Agency. In addition to managers in the company, a lawyer must be involved, which will solve issues of execution of death certificates and buying sites in the cemetery.

Here, perhaps, all. Try to discard all the prejudices about such a business, help people and earn honest money!

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