How to open freight

How to open freight

Today, transport business is considered one of the most profitable and dynamically developing. At any time of the year, the services for the movement of goods are in excellent demand. Planning to open your cargo transportation? We will tell me where to start such a business and how to organize it correctly.

The first step towards profitable business is a thorough analysis of the freight market. You must collect the highest possible information about competitors' transport company: who they are carrying out carriage, which goods are transported, what pricing policy are followed. This will make it possible to understand which directions of freight transportation are most in demand, and which services clearly lack potential consumers. Also, thanks to the analysis of the work of competitors, you can decide on the tariff value of your transportation. At this stage, it is also important to determine the specialization of the planned transport services. For example, it can be transportation within the city, long-distance cargo transportation or combination of several activities.

After that, you need to register your business for freight. You can register as IP (individual entrepreneur) or to open ooo. Most experienced carriers recommend the second option. So you can cooperate not only with physical, but also legal entities that are interested in returning VAT.

An important stage is the formation of a car park for freight. To begin with, you can rent or purchase one or two cars. The most fiscal option for the young transport company is "Gazelle", but over time when your company will acquire permanent customers and will be released on a stable freight, you need to purchase several different import vehicle. After expanding the fleet, it is advisable to conclude an agreement with one gas station - so you can buy fuel at a price below the retail, which will significantly reduce your costs for fuel.

The next stage is the rental office and the provision of high-quality communication. The territorial location of the office space does not matter much, the main thing is the presence of a multichannel phone. The dispatcher responsible for receiving calls should always be in touch. By skipping a couple of calls, your firm lost a couple of potential customers who, most likely, will no longer call you back and make a choice in favor of another transport company.

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The following is the formation of the team. The success of your business largely depends on the dispatcher, so this position needs to find an experienced, competent and operational specialist. It is also not to do without an accountant - freight reporting has a huge number of specific features. As for the drivers-movers, at first it will be the appropriate hiring of people for some work, but even for temporary workers, create such conditions so that they want to cooperate with you in the future. Over time, when the inflow of orders increases and your company's services will become more popular, it is worth hiring several full-time employees who will receive a fixed salary and additional surcharges: For example, the monthly salary of the loader driver can be $ 200, and as an allowance it will receive 50 dollars for each departure. As for the functions of the manager, they are most often fulfilled by an entrepreneur.

Do not save on advertising your business! In order to attract potential customers, it is advisable to create a qualitative website-business card of your company with contact details, description of the services provided and information about tariffs, discounts and bonuses. Be sure to do on your web resource the form of online application for services. Contextual advertising is also perfect. Regularly post information and shipping offers on popular bulletins and visited specialized forums, media and urban business directories. Book bright avenues and leaflets with your company's advertising and distribute them in shopping centers, at exhibitions, etc. Place outdoor advertising on your cars and workwear.

The opening of the business on freight transportation is quite troublesome and risky business. Take patience - at first it will have to work for wear, but with the right approach, very soon your efforts will pay off a hundredfold, and business will become successful and prosperous.

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