What you need to open

What you need to open

A novice entrepreneur always faces the choice of ownership for business. The decision must be taken on the basis of what kind of activities will adhere to the company. Ltd. is the most popular form of ownership, the authorized capital of which is divided into share. A limited liability company is a business with the provision of services for a certain type of activity, production, product production. To open ooo, you need to go through phased state registration.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what activity will carry out LLC, come up with a name name. It can be any, but for the presence of the words "Moscow", "Russia", "Olympiad" will have to pay extra. When registering, the full name of the company will be required, the abbreviated version and the name in a foreign language.

The choice of legal address is the location of the operator. The actual and legal address must coincide. This may be a non-residential premises with one owner, with whom the lease agreement or the address of the Director General is concluded.

The next step is to determine the number of founders, the distribution of shares, the size of the authorized capital. It can be made by money or property. The minimum size of the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles.

To reduce the tax burden on LLC, choose the tax mode - a common system or simplified (USN).

To register LLC an important step is to prepare documents. If there is no desire to delve into all legal subtleties, it is possible to use the documents on the Internet or contact the organization that is registered with firms. In the first case, you will have to fill all the documents yourself, in the second - everything will make a professional lawyer for a certain fee for you.

List of documents:

  • 2 copies of the Charter on the establishment of LLC;
  • protocol of the meeting of founders;
  • list of participants;
  • agreement on the establishment;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application for the transition to USN (if necessary).

All documents are more than one sheet must be stitched, signed. If the firm is registered at the place of residence, you need a copy of the passport.

After you paid the state duty, you assured the notary application for registration and opened a settlement account at the bank, you can go to the tax for submission of documents. The inspector will give a receipt indicating the list of documents taken and the date to obtain certificates.

After successful registration of LLC, order printing, get statistics codes, notifications from the Pension Fund and FSS, open the current account. After opening the current account, you must notify extrabudgetary and tax funds, otherwise you are facing a fine.

In practice, the collection of all documents takes up a large amount of time. Prepare papers can be independently or contact the registration company. The service of such organizations costs from 10 thousand rubles.




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