How to make a sale of LLC

How to make a sale of LLC

Before you draw up the sale company, should carefully read the law, paragraph 2 of Art. 21 of the Russian Federation "On LLC". If you do not have legal training, it is best to seek help from lawyers, so that later no problems. Well, when the buyer is already there, but if that is not, and time is running out - you can contact the specific agency. They have a file with data about the people who want to buy a company and who sells. For this service have to pay a small percentage after the successful registration of the transaction.

If the company owns several contributors should write a statement saying that the company intend to sell. All shareholders should read and sign. In the letter necessarily specify the estimated cost and timing of the transaction. You can send an electronic version, but it will also require confirmation.

All owners of LLC must write that in case of sale will not claim their part. This document is necessary to notarize and sign. Provide this statement in 10 days for individuals and in a month's time for businesses. Participants who retain their right, should also submit a notarized statement. In addition, this document must write a contributor's wife, so that in the event of divorce, there was confusion. Since this - sovmestnonazhitoe.

After the collected paper - go with the buyer to the notary. It is better to take even a couple of disinterested witnesses. Sale price should not be very different from the one indicated in the first statement. Take all the major paper companies, including the Charter and a round seal with the name and address of company.

But that is not all. Now you need to come to the tax office to make a change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Otherwise, the transaction will be void. After all the procedures, changes are made to the Charter of the Register.

For a person who intends to become the owner of the LLC, buy a ready-made enterprise is much more profitable and easier. Since the registration of the new will take about six months and more money. It is important to remember that all securities should be engaged in good, long-proven lawyers and notaries, and then no problems will arise, and all that will be required from the owner of the LLC is to collect the necessary documents.

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