How to make a purchase and sale of the garage

How to make a purchase and sale of the garage

The garage is a building that is located on the capital foundation, therefore - real estate. Its purchase and sale are carried out according to the same rules for which transactions are made with any real estate objects, according to Article 130 and 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Only the owner of the garage can sell it. Be sure to check the presence of a certificate for the owner of the garage about his right to property. You can learn this without the knowledge of the seller in EGR Federal Registration Servicestoring information about property owners. For this, it is necessary to apply to the local Fed Office asking for such data that are not closed - Article 7 of Law No. 122-FZ. Apply to the application a copy of the receipt of the state duty fee for an extract from the registry in the Sberbank branch and a copy of the passport. You will receive the answer in 5 days.


Boxing owner, planning the sale of property, must be worried about the design of the certificate of ownership. Without the presence of a document of state registration of their rights, officially issue a purchase and sale deal will not work. On a simplified form you can issue property on the basis Federal Law No. 93-F3. It will be necessary to transfer the package of documents to the Fed Management:

  • application for registration of ownership;
  • receipt about the payment of the state station;
  • documents provided for by law: donation, purchase, inheritance, certificate from the chairman of the GSK on the repayment of the share - with independent construction;
  • extract from BTI;
  • a copy of the garage plan.

Having received the required information about the registration of property ownership of the owner of the property, learn the basis for which he received ownership of the garage. At your request, the owner must present a donation document or boxing paper, or documents confirming the fact of its membership in the GSK, full paying of the share, all payments provided for by the cooperative. Just making sure the legality of the transaction performed, proceed to its design.

Drawing up a gas sales contract - a procedure that does not require certification is notarized. You can make an agreement yourself, and then register in the State Registration Chamber. Both parties in the document set out all arrangements regarding the transfer of the garage in writing in three copies (buyer, seller, in the registration chamber). It should be a single document that each participant's transaction signs - according to article 550 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


To become a full owner of the garage and arrange the right of ownership, you need to collect several documents. All listed documents are preparing the seller according to the laws of the Russian Federation:

  • contract of sale;
  • act of acceptance and transmission;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • copy of technical support from BTI;
  • the guide document (certificates from the cooperative, the contract of purchase, the certificate of inheritance, another such document-foundation);
  • help from BTI about the inventory value of the garage;
  • the consent of the spouse for sale, certified by a notary (Article 256 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 34 of the RF IC).

The buyer verifies the correctness of the completion of documents, signs the contract and act, pays the contractual amount and receives a receipt, registers ownership. Papers are transferred to the registration chamber. The time of waiting for a property certificate - about 30 days.

Documents for download on our website:

If the whole process of preparing the necessary documents seems too complex, bulky, then trust real estate agents. They will find buyers, issue a deal, will register your property rights by law.

Comments leave a comment
Green 09/21/2015 at 9:53.

I am worried about the high humidity in such premises ...

To answer
Luzhanka 09/22/2015 at 10:34

Yes, we are therefore garage sold long ago. Machine on guarded parking, and the other things transported to a rental box.

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