How to buy a garage in a cooperative

How to buy a garage in a cooperative

In order to avoid controversial situations on issues related to the garage purchased in the cooperative, make out the deal and right of ownership in a timely and correct. Check all documents carefully, otherwise you risk losing money.

At a personal meeting with the master of the garage, check the availability and accuracy of the documents on the garage, namely: the cadastral passport, the vehicle to the garage, the certificate of ownership of it, compare the data indicated there with the seller's passport. If the ownership is issued for several people, the remaining owners should have issued a seller notarized permits for the sale of the garage (Art. 244 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the date of the certificate of ownership is later the date of registration of the marriage in the Seller's passport of the garage, ask also a notarized permission to sell from its spouse (Art. 256 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on the data of all the above documents, make a real estate purchase agreement, in this case of the garage. The contract must contain exhaustive data both about the garage itself and about its seller. Just in case, make it up in three copies, since the Chairman of the Cooperative may require one copy of himself.

Contact your passport agreement with your passport together with the former garage owner to the Chairman of the Cooperative. If there is no arrears in the garage before the cooperative, the Chairman will give you a form and a sample application for entry into the cooperative. After the meeting of shareholders about your entry, the Chairperson will write in your name a garage passport, passing to a cooperative, membership card, a book for electricity to pay and will assure all this seal of a cooperative.

Already without a chairman, alone or with witnesses, as you agree with the seller, sign an act of receiving the garage and will count with the previous owner. In the future, his presence will no longer need.

Contact BTI, to the department of reception of individuals to arrange the cadastral passport on the capital garage. Then, with all documents, come to the federal registration service, apply for registration of ownership on the basis of the contract of sale.

If the garage has not been issued in the property, I bought it, you will become a member of the cooperative, and you will be a responsibility for the payment of membership fees. In fact, this will mean that giving money to the seller, you do not pay for property, but only pay for some of the membership contributions by the same amount.


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Ludwig 05/01/2016 at 9:37

While all things are stored in boxing, but when we buy a car, we will accurately acquire a garage.

To answer
Lena 06/01/2016 at 13:02.

And what kind of boxing? Are you renting a warehouse?

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