How to issue inheritance

How to issue inheritance

Get the inheritance - who did not dream about it, but the prospect of execution of many documents is not too pleased. This procedure requires knowledge of all legal requirements, so that no problems have emerged. You need to go through three stages to enter into inheritance, of course, provided that there are no obstacles and no one will challenge your right to inheritance.

The rights of the inheritant are transferred to the heir after the death of the testator, and to arrange all the documents, it is necessary to contact the place of registration or the last place of residence of the testator to the state notarial office or to the private notary. He will open the hereditary case after the presentation of the consulting documents.

The list of mandatory documents to provide a notary heir includes: a passport, certificate of assigning an identification number (IN), death certificate (decision of the court on the deceased), will, if it exists. It is also necessary to confirm related relationships, for which a certificate of birth or marriage is submitted or a court decision on confirming the fact of joint residence. To confirm the opening of the inheritance, you need a certificate about the last place of residence of the testator, which can be obtained in a housing cooperative or believer, the proof will also be recorded in the house book. If the design passes without any problems, then the heir will have three visits to the notary.

Depending on what kind of inheritance is a speech (apartment, house, car, land), it is necessary to collect some more documents on inherited objects that will confirm the ownership of the testator for property. Documents must be provided during a second visit to the notary. To do this, you will have to visit several more institutions (BTI in the design of real estate; MRUOs when inheriting a car; farmurs, if we are talking about a land plot; bank to get a cash contribution).

The last visit to the notary will be completing, and it should take place no earlier than 6 months after the death of the testator. Provided that the necessary documents are presented, you will be given a certificate of the right to inheritance, and you can fully manage your new property.

To spend as little as possible in the design of the inheritance, it is better to take with you all the documents that you have in this case during the first visit to the notary. The collection of the necessary references is better to start in advance so that by the time when half a year from the death of the testator, all documents were ready.

Collect documents for the design of inheritance is troublesome, and requires a lot of time and strength. Some prefer to entrust these concerns to specialists for a specific fee, but if approaching this case, it is responsible, then you can organize everything quickly and soon join inheritance.

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