How to challenge inheritance

How to challenge inheritance

What do relatives feel when the inheritance, to which you hope, gets another, completely strangers? Losting, bitter disappointment, desire to change this situation. What can be done to challenge the will, because this is a one-sided deal?

Inheritance in the will is considered the main advantage by law, so if someone decided to leave his home to the neighbor or the organization of animal protection and amounted to an appropriate testament, the birth will have to come with such a fact. But there are some aspects, relying on which, you can challenge the inheritance.

First of all, it is worth waiting for the opening of the inheritance. Only heirs on the law or heirs on the previously compiled will or heirs can challenge it.

The most often challenged the will, requiring it invalid not only for legal reasons, but also medical. If we prove that the testament is signed by an incapacitated person, the court recognizes it invalid. Another argument may be circumstances in which even a capable person can be in such a mental state that prevents realizing its decisions. It is not easy to prove such circumstances, but it will also help challenge the will.

It is worthwing to know that such a judicial post-mortem examination lasts a fairly long term, and it is necessary to submit proven evidence - medical records, testimony of witnesses about the serious mental state of the testimonor.

Since even in life, it is not easy to prove the incapacity of a person, then after his death it is even more difficult to do this: the results of medical examinations are taken to attention, the testimony of witnesses about the behavior of the testator so that psychiatric examination proves that the transaction was invalid, and the testator did not fully realize its decision .

The challenge of the testament is troublesome and long, it can take years to it, and the result will not always be satisfactory. If it happened that the testator suffered from the last years before his death mental disorder, then the potential heirs to take the advising steps to not lose a lot of time and efforts to recognize the testament invalid after his death.

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